Chapter 24

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Ever since Kyle came home, my father told me what happened I haven't talked to him. What would I say? "Hey dad I'm still mad at you for hiding my brother from me for 5 years and letting me miss on important events that could've taken place. Oh yeah, we need more butter." Not my cup of tea. So I've stayed quiet around him.

"Kayleigh, are you depressed?" Kyle suddenly asks.

"No, why do you ask?"

"Cause you seem really sad. And that's not exactly a good thing." He has a sad look on his face. I embrace him in a hug and say "I'll be fine. I'm just mad at dad. Ok buddy?" He nods in response.

For the next couple of days Jake and Cole decide to make a surprised visits to my house. Their faces full of shock when they see what I'm doing.

"Ok, Kayleigh I know your upset and angry, but that is no reason to cut yourself. Ok? Remember, these scars don't go away. They will be there for life." Coles ice blues eyes glassy from the form of tears.

"But I could do this." I say as I wave my hand over my left arm. Deep blue swirls around the cuts healing.

"Yeah, your not doing that again." Jake says as he grabs the razor.

"Talk to us. Your more silent then the song silent night, and that isn't going to help." I almost laugh at him but butting my tongue.

"Look, this" I point to my arms "has been building up from day one. I can't help that, I can heal it, but that's it. So I'm sorry for shutting you out but pain is something that is forgotten, never healed." I peacefully walk out of my room as well as my house. Not knowing where I'm going but just walking. Thinking I'm heading in the right direction, almost instructions put in my head.

"I knew you'd come." I hear a voice I'm all to familiar with.

"Wait, you told me to come here? Well you didn't tell me, more like put an instinct in my head?" I ask the she-devil.

"Of course sweetie. I had to, or else you wouldn't of came." The sourness of Tara's voice spoke. I spot Kakike tied up with a scarf in her mouth.

"But why did you use her?" I scream pointing at Kiki.

"To make that." Her smug face say it all. I look where she's pointing. And see a Juane trap. Well a downworlder trap to be exact. I try to break it but I realize I am powerless in here.

"What do you want from me?" I ask weak.

"Oh I just want to make you suffer from what I went through. So there's no point in trying to bribe me." After this year I never expected to be in this position. With the person who gave birth to me. The immortal best friend. Nor the powerful sister.

"Fine, but let her go." I mutter.

"Sorry, what was that? You want me to let her go." Then I herd a huge bang.

Whipping my head up I smell blood an I see my dead best friend. I shriek and run past the circle and jump at Tara. Bringing her to the ground I cast a spell to remove the demon out of her.

After that doesn't work I'm not sure of what to do so I just leave there.

I don't know where I'm going. But I'll be back here soon. Who knows where I'll end up next.

I'm thinking of having this book 30-35 chapters. Maybe a time jump kind of thing. Who knows. Your thoughts about this in the comments. Vote if you like.

Peace ✌

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