Paul Milligan

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Paul Milligan was born in what can be described as a ghetto of New Kansas City of the State of Missouri located in the Midwest continent. New Kasas City is the largest City in the State of Missouri. Paul Milligan was born to a single mother in a housing project on Barack Obama st. A middle child of six children. Growing up, he excelled academically and had the opportunity to attend Harvard on a full scholarship. However, before he could his mother was hit by a car injuring her and forcing Paul to work at a convenience store where he would see a drug dealer selling sand. After six months he would gradually insert himself into the bloody crips and eventually become head of the gang. After reorganizing and either absorbing the competition, or just killing them, he would be offered a seat on the boards. His end will start one week before the last meeting.

Kansas City, Missouri, UPA

In a penthouse downtown, Paul Milligan was in his living room on his black leather couch watching the baseball game between the Royals at the Louisville Bats. Currently the score was 1-2 on the bottom of first inning. Louisville is winning. 2 outs nobody on base. Paul on his couch watched as the pitcher struck him out. He smiled taking a drink from his beer. As the game went to commercial. A voice grabbed his attention. "Hey boss, Leonardo is here to see you."

He turned around and saw one of his assistants in a white dress shirt and gray dress pants. "Send him in please."

A man of Mexican or Central American Heritage entered. "Ah Leonardo good to see you I trust that you bring good news."

Leonardo pulls the collar of his dress shirt. "I have mixed bag 17 of 20 shipments made it, two have been taken by the cops, and the third one was taken out most likely by the 3 percenters."

There was tense moment before. "Nice work with that shipment, not only are our system intact but we have extra just in case anything happens."

Leonardo had a look of shock on his face. "But boss that's hundreds of millions of credits down the drain." He stated.

"Yes, but the authorities will always catch a shipment or two and those rednecks are being hit by both the authorities and our own people." He said insightfully explaining the situation. "We are at war, our ability to make money despite everything shows that we are winning."

Paul looked at the smuggler and saw a hesitant look on his face. "Listen, it's better this way as the politicians get their photo op while we still make a sizable profit."

Paul then went to his liquor cabinet and pulled out a bourbon from the top shelf he then got two small glasses. He then poured a shot in each glass. He hands a glass to the smuggler. "To your continued success." He toasted.

They clinked their glasses and took their drink. After he finished he went to his fridge and pulled out a bottle of beer. He twisted the cap off and started drinking. He saw one of his associates escort a delivery boy with packages of food. "Hey boss food arrived." The associate announced.

"Ah, excellent, Leonardo join us for some barbeque and baseball." He offered.

"I would be honored."

"Excellent let me get you a beer." He said as he went back to the fridge for a beer.

He handed the drug smuggler a beer. The food was placed on the island of the kitchen. He pulled out his phone to give the delivery boy a 20% tip. He then took a plate that was out and filled it with brisket, ribs, and baked beans. He headed for the couch and set his food on the coffee table. He looked up to his TV and saw that the score is still the same at the bottom of the third inning. The Bats have 2 outs no one on base, one ball, and two strikes.

Paul watches he batter swing at a slider and miss being struck out ending the inning. When it went to commercial break, he looked around and found that his lieutenants with a plate of barbeque either watching the TV or mingling with each other. He smiled knowing that his crew can have a nice break from their war with the militias. He saw his right-hand man come by and sat down next him. "You have everything you need for the meeting next week boss?"

"Indeed." He answered. "Decided to skip the speech, I don't want Maresca yelling at me to get to the point and insult me again."

He raised an eyebrow at his boss. "After the greeting and small talk, she wants to get right to business." Paul expanded.

"I just hope what you do the blow back won't kill us."

Paul went back to watching TV. He saw that it was the top of the fourth inning the second batter was batting. The count was 3-1, no outs, and a runner on first base. He watched and ate as he saw the batter hit a 2- run home run. He smiled at that.

"Hey boss I got word on your mother." A lieutenant whispered so quietly that Miligan could barely her him. 'She has been moved to the end-of-life ward at the nursing home she is living at."

"Thank you, Donald."

He got up went to the barbeque and filled up the plate with seconds. He then went back to his spot on the couch. He pulled out his cell phone and went to his contacts and selected one of his siblings. He looked at his phone for a moment. His eyes started to water before putting the phone away. He was jolted when he heard his guests cheer loudly. He looks up to see that the Royals scored a grand slam. He rubbed his eyes and smilled. 

Middle Management (Book two of the Yaatra Hombre series)Where stories live. Discover now