Muhammad Modi

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Muhamad Modi was born in a working class neighborhood in Gandhinagar on the planet of Gujarat in the Indian System on October 3, 2968. Born to muslim prostitute and the Chief Minister Ramesh Modi. He was raised by his mother but was given his fathers last name after Minister Modi's penchant for prostitutes became public. He went to one of city's most prestigious school and exceled and even earned a scholarship in the European School of law where he would earn a 4.0 GPA and would get a job at the firm Singh-Ping and associates. He would get involved in Middle Management when he was assigned to be the lawyer for Mao Shih. After a few years of taking care and preventing any legal issues, he was offered a position on the board as well as being the head lawyer for the group. He would masterfully handle any legal situation Middle Management would encounter. His downfall would begin 3 days before the final meeting.

It was a normal day like any day for Muhammad Modi. He was filing paperwork and taking a making phone calls. As it approached lunch time he got up and stretched his arm and legs to get the kinks out of his joints. He walked out of his office and head for the elevator so that he could head out and enjoy the fresh air as he could grab some vada pav. He walked to the nearest vendor and placed an order.

After a few minutes of waiting his order was given to him and he went back to his office. He would continue to eat while looking over paperwork and making phone calls. It would look to be a boring noneventful day. The quite ended when he received a call from Mao Shih. He took a breath before answering.

"Muhammad Modi's office how may I help you?"

"Modi good to hear that you keep your phone on your person."

Modi gulped and his eyes widened in fear. "Madam Shih please to hear from you."

"Yes, I would imagine so how is your family, your daughter still playing cricket?"

"My daughter made the reserves a professional team and is expected to make it to the first team in a year or so as for the rest of my family they are doing well how are you?"

"I am alright nothing exciting so that's good."

"That's good, I take it you wish to know the arrangements for the upcoming meeting?"

"Yes, I want to hear the confirmed the details."

"Yes of course." He began. "To start off the meeting will take place in the Corporate system."

"Of course, you don't want to attract attention."

"I also arranged the service of a cruise vessel for our private use." He further explained. "Donna Maresca will provide security with her legitimate security company to guarantee everyone's safety."

"Excellent, anything else that should concern us?"

"Only the militias attacks threaten our exposure to the USS and any other government entity that want us gone."

"Yes, I know but the problem for us is how are they getting funding as none of our coffers are funding them."

"I hope no one is it would lead to significant action by the USS."

"Yes, I know and I have lawyers and fixers working on making sure that everything remains smooth."

"Good, I will see you in three days."

Modi heard the phone hang up. He breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his forehead to wipe he sweat off. He looked at the photos on his desk. One was that of a light skinned woman in a traditional wedding dress of a Lehenga. The second photo was also that of a female that looked a lot like the other female but with slightly darker skin. She wore cricket attire and was holding a cricket bat on her shoulder.

Muhammad closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He then went back to his work while loosening his tie to get more air on his neck. His nerves never left him for the rest of the day as he hoped that the meeting goes off without a hitch.

Middle Management (Book two of the Yaatra Hombre series)Where stories live. Discover now