The Bounty Hunters

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(2 months earlier)

ON a ship called the Yaatra Hombre, four bounty hunters were gathered around a dining room table. The first to speak was Angel Santana. "After Capturing the Child Porn peddlers, we now have information on a member of Middle Management."

Shinji Suzuki looked confused at this. "But those never talked."

Albina Vendeneyeva smirked. "They didn't have to."

"You hacked their computers." Shinji accused.

"No I knew their passwords and I logged in." She said sarcastically.

Shinji glared at her, Aruna Santana clapped her hands together to get everyone's attention. "Now if Albina could explain what you found."

Albina then grined and started explaining. "While we had those two in our custody I 'accessed' their computers and found that they were in contact with Kenichi Matsumoto."

"He's one of the few board members with a bounty on his head." Shinji said on his phone before finding his bounty, for multiple counts of racketeering."

"Well it seems that he is dealing in more than book making and credit laundry." Angel stated.

"Da, he likes pre-teen girls or arranging to have sex with pre-teen girls." Albina stated from what she was reading on her phone.

"Does it say where we can find him?" Angel asked.

"No." Albina told him bluntly. "However, I know where he will be."

"And that is." Aruna said trying to get her to elaborate.

"There is a meeting with the other members of the board of Middle Management." Albina cheerfully elaborated. "They will be in the corporate system in an area where there is little to no corporate investment."

"You will have to be more exact." Angel said.

Albina then pulled up coordinates of a formally decommissioned cruise vessel. "The meeting will take place here on the moon of planet C-1-6."

"Okay so that we know where they are meeting." Shinji said. "How are we going to infiltrate the meeting though security is going to be tight."

Albina then with her phone showed them a list of businesses and clicked on one. The business was that of a catering company. "We could sneak Shinji in as a cook." She suggested.

"What!" Shinji exclaimed.

"Not a bad plan but Shinji would still be surrounded by numerous thugs." Aruna pointed out.

"I have a plan for that." Angel said smirking.

Shinji with a look of apprehension decided to ask the question. "What's the plan?"

2 months later

Shinji was pushing a tableside grill to the main meeting room on the Costa Santa Maria. He noticed two men in suites carrying the body of Kenichi Matsumoto. Once they passed he released a breath that he didn't realize that he was holding. He approached the door then knocked on the door. The door opened and all eyes were on him as he pushed the grill into the meeting room.

 I know that the chapters are short and I apologize. I thank you for reading and hope you all are doing well.

Middle Management (Book two of the Yaatra Hombre series)Where stories live. Discover now