The Plan

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One week earlier

On the Yaatra Hombre, the crew were gathered in the dining area. Everyone of the crew had tense looks on their faces. Angel sighed before he started speaking.

"The plan I have is risky, but if we are careful we should be able to get 10 million credits."

"Okay so what is it?" Shinji asked irritably.

"The first part of the plan is complete." Angel said. "We just turned in one Rokusaburo Ishinabe to the police and Albina here hacked everything electronically linked to him."

Albina nodded. "I have messages and contacts and I now have an in for us."

"Shinji you are our best chance to get close to the board." Aruna said softly.

Shinji widened his eyes. "So, you want me to go into the Lion's den with no backup."

"Yes." Albina said bluntly.

"Your cover is fight." Angel explained. "Ishinabe is a chef, and you are a chef, all you have to do is cook their food, look around the room so we can get the faces of the board members as well as for Albina to hack anything to track them."

"That makes my work sound simple." Albina muttered irritably.

"Don't worry Shinji everything is going to be okay." Aruna said reassuring him.


'Everything is going to be okay Shinji, your cover is tight Shinji, at least they didn't say nothing can go wrong." Shinji though in panic.

Maresca glared at Shinji. "Before we continue this discussion did you have your 'chef' poison our chairwoman?" She asked with killing intent.

A tense couple of seconds passed before a breath was taken and Angel answered her. "No, I did not and before any of you say that we are lying we don't benefit at all from you chairwoman's death."

"No, I believe you with the death of our chairwoman you will get nothing for exposing her as the head of Middle Management." She said in agreement. "But even with that acknowledgement we are still in a stalemate."

"Right, all we ask for is two things, my coworker to be unharmed and returned back to us and 10 million clean credits in cards."

Maresca sighed. "The first one we can comply with, but I have to talk with my colleagues before we can establish anything involving money."

"Call me back."

Maresca hung up before she looked over colleagues. 

Middle Management (Book two of the Yaatra Hombre series)Where stories live. Discover now