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Hollywood, Los Angeles Archipelago, New California

            In a TV set in one of the many studios in Hollywood, a TV crew was getting ready to film a TV host sitting at a desk in front of a bookshelf and window with a clear bright full moon as the backdrop. The TV host was a gray-haired black man in a red suit, with a beard and blue eyes that make him look fatherly and wise. "Is everything ready?" He asked.

            The director nodded. "Everything is set, 5...4...3...2...1... action." He yelled.

            "Greetings welcome to Crimes of the Universe I am your host Malique Freeman and today on our special episode we take a look at the rise and fall of the criminal organization known as Middle Management." The host greeted to the camera.

            The host gets up as he talks. "Middle Management was an organized crime syndicate led by Mao Shih and her 7 lieutenants that made up the board, Kenichi Matsumoto, Wang Otgonbayar, Paul Milligan, Zhu Li Cho, Muhammad Modi, Maria Maresca, and Habib Oni."

            "The group mostly focused on the laundering of credits from criminal organizations in exchange for a cut of the credits, they were the only money launderers of the galaxy able to clean up your credits with out the United Solar Systems none the wiser." He explained. "For seventy years they operated with impunity until they were brought down by a heart attack, a betrayal, and a group of bounty hunters 25 years ago and would eventually lead to the Russian Rebellion three years later."

            Malique was in front of the fake window. "More after these messages." He told his audience.

Middle Management (Book two of the Yaatra Hombre series)Where stories live. Discover now