Zhu li Cho

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Zhu Li Cho was born to a wealthy family on the large City Moon of Xin Beijing on September 8, 2975. Through her teens and early 20s she showed that she had talent for computers. At the age of 19 she hacked into a shell company operated by the White Supremacist gang Storm Front and stole the money in the account into a charity that helps displaced refugees. After 7 years of independent hacking, she encountered Middle Management after hacking into the server. Mao Shih visited her in her apartment to bring her in as the computer expert in Shih Tech, the front for the credit laundry operation. Her end began one-week before their final meeting.

In a penthouse in Xin Beijing, Zhu Li Cho was on her cell phone talking to her coworkers in the office. "Yes, I will be in the office as soon as I can."

She slipped on her nylon stocking and put on her two-inch heels. She went to her full-length mirror examining herself. She wore a black business suit with a skirt at knee level. She walked out to the dining room and saw her husband serving breakfast to their two elementary school aged children. Her husband placed a plate of eggs and bowl of congee on the table for her. She kissed her husband on the lips.

"Eww." The two children yelled with a look of disgust on their faces.

"Thank you dear." She thanked her husband ignoring her yelling her children's comment.

She started to eat her breakfast while engaging conversation with her family. Her oldest, a boy of eight years old was excited for a play that he was apart of while the youngest, a girl of six was excited for her first basketball game that weekend. She finished her breakfast before getting up and grabbing her purse. She went over to her children and kissed them on the head and kissed her husband on the lips.

"I have to head to the office; I got a call, and something came up so don't wait up." She whispered to him.

"Alright, I will take the children to school." He whispered back kissing her back.

"Alright I am heading to work behave all three of you, I love you and I should be back by dinner." She announced as she headed for the elevator.

She entered the elevator and hit the button to enter the parking garage. She went to her NIO flight. She went to her cars plug outlet and pulled the plug that was charging the luxury car. She drove out of the parking garage and flipped a switch activating its flight mode. Once the car reached the level of the skyway, she drove to her office building. Once she reached her building, she lowered the car and parked it in a parking spot.

She exited her car and entered the building and went to her office on the top floor. She greeted her secretary before entering her office. She sat at her desk and pulled out her cell phone. She pressed the Mao Shih button on her contact list. After a few moments a voice greeted her.

"Greetings, is this business or a complication?" The voice asked.

"A complication." Zhu Li answered grimly


"Before leaving work I go a call from the head of our computer security department that someone was trying to hack into our systems." She explained. "I have all our cyber security personnel looking into it."

"Good make sure to keep me in the loop."

"Will do." She said before the phone hung up.

She sighed rubbing the bridge of her nose. She pressed on her intercom to talk to her secretary. "Lei Ping can you schedule a meeting with the Cyber Security Department please?" She requested.

Middle Management (Book two of the Yaatra Hombre series)Where stories live. Discover now