Paul Milligan (Afterword)

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Paul Milligan was alone in every sense of the word. To avoid arrest he allowed those below him to fend for themselves. To avoid any possible traps by law enforcement he has not contacted any of his family members. He looked around his empty hideout.

'I should probably check if I can at least go out of this apartment to get some food.' He thought before taking out his phone to check the news.

After a few minutes he stood up got dressed in a pair of worn-down jeans, white shoes, and a red hoodie. He made his way out of the apartment. He walked outside and headed for the nearest convenience sore. He entered the store seeing a black male in a Mississippi State football shirt behind the counter. Fox News was playing on a TV hanging on the Wall! "In the latest news of the coalition, Pacifica's liberal party has left the coalition over what it calls China's Republic Party's refusal to take responsibility of it internal affairs."

Milligan grabbed a gallon of Milk and a twelve pack of beef flavored instant ramen. He took it to the counter. "I can possible see to see a tense election in 9 months' time."

"For once I agree with you as thanks to Mao Shih's links to nearly every Chinese political party." A male with curly red hair said. "As more details emerge from the investigation quite a few parties are going to declare that they will not join a coalition with a Chinese party."

Milligan paid for his items before heading back to the empty apartment not noticing a white male taking a picture of him leaving the convenience store. He entered the apartment and put the milk in the fridge and the ramen in the cupboard. He looked at his phone and saw that it was a new wanted photo of him with a 10 million credit reward.

'Shit!' He thought. 'I need to start getting to the Rockies quickly.'

He looked through his phone and sighed. 'I am going to have to try my luck tomorrow, I was hoping to wait this week out, but I guess that won't be an option.'

He sighed before cooking some ramen for dinner then going to bed. He put his head down on his pillow and pulling the covers over himself. He looked around the room watching the walls from his spot on the floor. Closing his eyes Milligan slowly drifted off to sleep.

Outside the apartment complex, a group of men were watching the window of Milligan's safe house. They watched the light turn off and waited one hour before they moved to the door to the abandoned apartment. The group of six surrounded the door with one of them picking the lock to the door. The unlock the door and they quietly enter the apartment. Slowly and silently go to the Dom where the last light turned off. The push the door opens ready to fire only to see an empty room.

The six looked at each other confused. A rolling sound came below them to see a grenade roll to the center of them. Before the would-be assassins could even widen their eyes the grenade exploded.

In the closet, Paul Milligan slowly slide the door open to see fire of his would be killers not moving while the only one not dead or unconscious was crying and screaming. "Mommy!"

Milligan walked over to the fallen men and pulled the sleaves up one of them to see a PB tattooed on the upper arm. He looked at the screamer. Paul sighed before approaching him. The former drug dealer faked coughed trying to get his victims attention.

"Judging by that guy's tattoo I can assume that you are a member of the Proud Boys."

The Proud Boy was still crying clutching his left arm in pain, and obviously did not hear a single word that Milligan said. He sighed before pulling out his gun and putting the injured man out of his misery. The gun was also fired five more times for each of the remaining Proud Boys.

After going through each of deceased's pockets, he found hover car keys. Milligan took them and headed outside to make his getaway. He drove out of town never to be seen again.

Paul Milligan would evade capure for the rest of his life, hiding in a cabin in the mountains of Colorado until his death in 3047. 

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