M O R N I N G & N I G H T

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Morning & night,

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This chapter contains sorta mature contain


I left the hospital yesterday morning, and now I'm running around the room looking for diapers.

Don't laugh, I don't find it funny at all, Infact I find it ridiculous.

"Oh- I've got them." Katherine spoke as she rushed into the room. She threw me a diaper, I was extremely grossed out as I put the diaper on bec.

"Okay." I spoke in a whisper, picking her up. "You need to feed her more, she's so tiny." Katherine suggested. "I feed her enough, when she's hungry she eats." I responded leaving the room.


It was around 2 am, I was holding bec in my arms as she cried; screamed.

"What do you want? Huh? Do you just want to cry?" I paced back and forth, rocking her in my arms. "Stop crying bec, I'm tired, I'm sure you are to can we just go to bed." I pleaded.

But she just kept crying.

I sat down on the bed, "Are you still hungry?" I asked, I grabbed her bottle from the bedside table and tried feeding her. She just kept on crying, "your diaper is clean, you've ate, what else is there to need?" I questioned.

She just hiccuped, "Your annoying." I mumbled. She started to squirm in my arms. I got up and put her in her crib.
"Go to bed." I spoke a bit aggressively on accident, I went to lay down.

It got quiet.

I sighed of relief and closed my eyes.


And there it was she was screaming bloody murder again.

"For fucks sake bec!" I whisper yelled.


"Enz!" I felt someone jump in me, my eyes shot open to see corrie shacking me. "Get up! I want waffles!" He spoke enthusiastically, "Okay, okay." I sat up, he rolled off my onto the floor.
"Ow." He mumbled.

He got up and ran out of the room.

I laid on my back, my eyes closed as I tried to gain the mental strength to get up.

I took a couple deeps breaths and got up, putting a smile on my face.

I walked downstairs and started to get stuff to make waffles for corrie.

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