et tu, brute?

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Chapter 117
Et tu, brute?

This chapter contains mature content;Tw; drug use, domestic violence

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This chapter contains mature content;
Tw; drug use, domestic violence.
5 months later

Its been awhile hi,

So i guess you could say I'm stuck in sticky situation, the situation being jess.

Incase your wondering, no i didn't win him back. Quite the opposite actually.

a-lot happened you know, and now I'm here, sitting across from him, Because he wants to talk about what happened.

"Are you gonna be mature about this?" He asked, "sure." I muttered biting back my harsh words.
"Are you gonna talk or are you just gonna sit with that blank stare?"

"I don't think there's much i can say anymore." I shrugged as i glanced up at him. "You were the one who freaked out on me, now i wanna talk about it and you don't wanna hear it." He spoke with so much hatred, it felt like i was being repeatedly stabbed in the heart.

"You hurt me and now your pissed because I'm happy." he laughed rubbing his temple. "You hurt me too, do you not remember all the things you said that night?"

"You were the one attacking me-."
"You told me you didn't care about me." I just stared back at him. "I gave up on you a long time ago y/n, don't act so surprised." And there it was, the kill-shot.

I could feel my chest getting heavier as my eyes burned, "You broke my heart Lorenzo, and you didn't even hesitate." I stumbled on my words as i spoke.

"What did you expect." He didn't seem to care.
"You told me- no you promised you'd never give up on me, don't you remember that night." I didn't feel like holding back the tears or telling myself to suck it up.

The only person who ever understood me just gave up on me. "I can never do anything right can i y/n?!" He started to yell. I could feel my heart break as he looked at me. "Your eyes can be so cruel." I spoke in a whisper.

"I don't care anymore and its your fault." Another stab to the heart. "I know." I nodded. "You never told me you cared, you never loved me."

"Thats not true." I had nothing to loose, "I've always loved you Lorenzo." I finally said it, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest.

But he just paused, silence filled the air for a moment, but only for a moment.

"What?" He looked at me like all the anger had gone away. "I love you, and I'm sorry it took me so long to say." I pressed my lips together looking down as tears slid down my cheeks.

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