Chapter 11.

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I spent half the day with Shane just hanging out, we went to that little spot he took me to for a date and we just stayed for until I needed to go home. When I got back I walked into the house to see Carter sitting in the living room with a laptop, looking really busy and tired.

"What's up?" I asked coming over, leaning over his back to look at the screen.

"Apparently just after you left the house, it got visited by Darren's men. They were mad because apparently they didn't know he left, and they didn't even realize he was with you. He cameras sensors went off when y'all left earlier, and then again a little later. I thought that maybe y'all came back but I checked and saw them there." He said typing things in the computer.

"I been trying to track them, I have been able to track them so far but it's kinda hard when you don't know how to hack cameras. They haven't stopped yet they just keep driving, I got their license plate number and been tracking them that way but its still difficult"he said mumbling.

"Here" I said and he scooted over, I quickly took over the computer, opening up another window on the computer to still keeping track of the, that way while I started hacking street cameras. I finally opened up enough and started looking till I found them, I closed every thing else out and just kept up the hacked street cameras. "Their they are" I mumbled still typing on the computer, keeping up with them and opening up another window, trying to figure out where they could be going.

"Where are you going?" I asked watching them, they were in a regular silver navigator... Blending in plenty. They definitely knew what they were doing.

"If they are as good as you say they are, they wouldn't be staying in a wear house or any work buildings. Probably a hotel or some high class apartments"Carter mumbled, what he said made perfect sense and I quickly pulled up all the hotels and apartments in Cali that are in a 30 mile radius from Shane's house, about 70 popped up that they would use. But I closed in on the ones that were close to them and found 3.

I watched as they got closer to one of them, I pulled of up and hacked their cameras. Sure enough they finally pulled into their parking garage, they hopped out and I zoomed in on their faces. I took still shots from the camera and printed them up.

"Carter, your a genius"I said standing up, I pulled him close and kissed his cheek because I was so proud of him. I hurriedly ran upstairs and started packing a bag, about half way through picking Carter came into the room, a weird expression on his face. But when he saw the bags he sobered up.

"So what's the plan?" He asked looking over the equipment I'm packing.

"These are professionals, so their going to be tapped into the cameras there too. I'm not sure if they know they probably gave themselves away or not, but if they don't then we could probably get a quick disguise when we head there. But if they do, we will have to play the disguise pretty well. I'm wanting this to go quick, that way if this is just a distraction it won't be a problem. I'm pretty sure it will be fine, nothing will happen since Shane's with friends and were going to be fine."I said trying to figure out a plan in my head.

"How about I put my sniper skills to good use?"he suggest, I think about it for a second trying to figure out if its a good idea. I run over to the computer in my room and pull up the hotel, hack the cameras and scan through everything in the last 10 minutes. I finally found them, and they were in an outside room.

"You know... I'm really starting to love having a partner again" I smiled over at carter, then I looked back at the computer and lulled up the building across from the hotel their in.

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