-Chapter 2-

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(Image above is by Noisx) -chapter 2-

William's POV:
'Fucking hell I'm tired' I thought to myself as I drove to Freddys. I got no sleep last night. I wasn't supposed to come in today, but Henry wants to hire someone. So, I have to be present for it. Especially since they will be working with us on the animatronics and apparently helping me around with stuff. I told Henry that I don't need the extra hand and that I'm fine on my own, but he just keeps insisting it's better and to try it out. I also need to go over those lawsuits with Henry. The police will be here tomorrow to inspect everything.

As I arrive at Freddys, I see Henry signaling for me to come to his office. I make my way through the crown of sticky and loud children to finally reach his office. I sit myself across from Henry. "Good morning Will. You look.. really tired. Are you alright?" Henry said with a concerned face. "Oh I'm fine Henry. I was just up late again. So, these lawsuits.." "Oh, right. We got two yesterday. It's about two missing kids. One is a little girl named Cassidy and the other is a boy named Fritz. I really feel bad for these parents. What are we going to do?" Henry had a look of sympathy on his face and a sad tone in his voice. "Don't stress too much Henry. We know it's not our fault." I gave him a reassuring pat on the back but I couldn't help but have a grin on my face. I didn't feel bad. Not one bit.

Me and Henry talked some more about the lawsuits and some upcoming parties. As he was talking, he was interrupted by a soft knock on the door. 'Oh god please don't be another annoyed parent' I thought. The person who entered was none other then Henry's niece, Y/n. She had h/l, h/c that compliments their e/c. She was roughly around y/h. I've only seen her a few times but Henry has told me good things about her, though I've never really had anytime to get to truly know her. She gave me and Henry a warm smile and then sat down on the chair next to me.

Y/n's POV:
"Ah it's great to see you Y/n!" Henry said with a big grin. "It's nice to see you too. Charlie is playing with some of her friends by the way." "Great. So, there are a few things I wanted to go over with you Y/n. Firstly, this is my business partner, William." He pointed towards the man sitting next to you. "Nice to meet you Mr..?" "Afton. But you may just call me William." He said as you shook his cold, boney hand. Something felt so off about him. "Secondly, Y/
n..me and Will were wondering if you would like a job here at Freddys. Y'see..we um..well, we got some lawsuits and now we are a kinda short staffed. You would be working with me and Will on the animatronics as well as being his assistant." You glanced over at William. He seemed a little pissed at the moment so you decided to not bother him to much. "So..what do you think?" Henry said in an eager tone. 'Well..I am currently unemployed and I'm looking for a job. But Williams assistant?? Jeez. Although, I do get to work with Henry on animatronics. Hmm..maybe this won't be so bad.' I thought to myself as Henry awaited an answer. "Ok. When do I start?" Henry's eyes lit up with joy while William had a surprised yet annoyed look. Only for a moment though. "Great! You'll start tomorrow at 10. For now, you can follow William to his office to get your uniform."

You waved goodbye to Henry as you walked out of his office. You followed William as you made your way to his office. "So.. your experienced with the animatronics?" William asked, breaking the unbearable silence. "Yeah. My mom was always helping Henry with his new ideas and projects. So, once I was old enough to understand, I helped out too. I still help Henry with his projects. It's lots of fun." You said. As you and William entered his office, you took a look around. He had the same layout as Henry. It was just more organized with different colors. The walls were a dark shade of purple and little silver stars hung from the ceiling. All of his papers were in a neat pile on his desk instead of being all spread out like Henry's. He only had a few drawings oh his walls. Most of them had Spring Bonnie on them. "What size shirt and pants darling?" William said looking through the boxes of uniforms. "Oh (insert sizes) should be good." You didn't notice until now that he had a deep, charming British accent. It was nice. "Here you are." He handed you two light purple collared shirts with a little Spring Bonnie embroidered on the top left corner. Along with some black pants and a belt as well. "Thank you, Mr. Afton." "Please, call me William." He said. Something was still so off about him. 'Your probably overthinking stuff Y/n.' You thought. "Well, I've got to get going. Bye Mr. Af- erm, William. I'll see you tomorrow." You said as you headed towards the door "See you later Y/n." He waved as you walked out of the door.

(And that concludes the second chapter! Please correct me on any errors and give me some advice! Thanks again for reading
<3) -959 Words-

[DISCONTINUED] -|Golden Memories|  A William Afton x Female! reader story-Where stories live. Discover now