-Chapter 8-

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(Imagine above is not mine)-Chapter 8-

     I followed William out to the parking lot. I got into his car as he got in on the drivers side.

   The ride to Michael and Elizabeth's school was silent, until William finally broke it. "So, what do you want for dinner? You are the guest after all." He said, keeping his eyes on the road. "Thank you, but I really don't need to stay, Mr. Afton." I said, trying to hide the nervous in my voice. Being alone with him is not the greatest idea. William glanced at me. "Again, you can call me William. It's fine Y/n. You won't be bothering me at all. plus, your car is still at my house. Might as well stay for dinner love." He replied. "Well..ok. But, I'm not sure on what to eat. How about you pick William." I said. "That's alright dear."

    We had finally arrived at the school. As we pulled up, I saw Elizabeth but not Michael. "Where is Mic-" I cut myself off once I saw him surrounded by a group of older kids. 'Uh oh..' I thought. I then saw one of them punch him in the eye. I looked over and saw William with an unamused face. "Um hello?? Are you not going to do anything?" I said in an annoyed tone. "He is old enough to stand up for himself Y/n." He said as Elizabeth finally got into the car. When I looked back at Michael, I saw him on the floor. "Thats it." I said as I got out of the car.

     I walked over to the group of kids. I shoved them out of the way as I helped Michael up. "Aww look, little Michael needs a girl to help him!!" One of them teased. I assumed this was the leader of the group. "What grade are you guys even in?" I asked as I made sure Michael wasn't too hurt. "We are seniors, why? You look like your still a 10th grader." One of them replied. "Aww thanks so much!" I said in a sarcastic tone "but I've already graduated." I said as I glanced at their surprised faces. "I don't understand why you guys, who are about to graduate, are bothering him. Jesus, get a fucking life." I said as I walked away with Michael. "Whatever lady, your the one sticking up for a murder!" The 'leader' yelled. I was confused but brushed it off and decided to deal with the matter later.

    Once me and Michael got into the car, William drove off. He was expressionless while he drove. I turned to look at Elizabeth and Michael. "Thanks Y/n." Michael said as he gave me a small smile. Elizabeth looked at me confused. "Daddy? Who is this pretty lady? Is she our new mo-" Elizabeth was cut off as Michael put his hand over her mouth. Elizabeth was still talking, it was just muffled. All I could make out was "Michael said mom cheated." Michael looked nervous as William pulled into the driveway and got out. I looked away with a flustered face. "No Elizabeth. This pretty lady's name is Y/n and she works for me. She will be staying over for dinner so treat her nicely." William said as he helped Elizabeth out of the car. She had strawberry orange hair and green eyes. She wore a hot pink shirt and a navy blue skirt with black slip-on's. She was adorable. But I noticed that she looked nothing like William or Michael. Michael had brown fluffy hair and grey eyes. He wore a gray shirt and black shorts with a pair of red converse.

    William held open the door as we all walked in. He put down Elizabeth as he headed upstairs. Michael also went upstairs. "Hi Miss. Y/n, You are very pretty." Elizabeth said as she looked up at me. "Well thank you Elizabeth. You are very sweet." I replied. She giggled as she ran into the living room. I soon followed behind her. She sat herself on the couch and started flipping through channels on the TV. "Elizabeth, don't you have homework?" I asked. "Um..yes but my mom isn't here to help me and my dad it always to busy." She replied. "What about Michael?" I asked. "He has to do his own homework too." She said. "Well, I'll help you for tonight." I said. She hopped off of the couch and went to the dinner table, grabbing her backpack on the way.

    Elizabeth was a smart girl, I won't lie. She practically needed no help with her homework. Just some encouragement and some help staying focused. Once she was done, she went upstairs to take a shower. I sat on the couch and glanced at the clock. It read 5:25. 'This is going to be a long night' I thought to myself.

(Boom, chapter 8. I should be uploading chapters for this book every day except for Friday and Saturday. If there is a day I don't upload a chapter, I am sorry, but I am most likely too busy. Also, tysm for 100 reads! I hope you guys have a good day. Sorry if this chapter was a little short. Let me know if there are any errors or things I should fix.)
-Words: 896-

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