-Chapter 11-

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(Image above is not mine[art in image is by Noisx]) -Chapter 11-

     "Well, I'm glad you told me that." I said with a slight smile. "It fells nice to talk about these things. Now that I think about it, you are the only person I can talk about these things to. I really don't know how to stop these urges." William replied, helping me off of the counter. I looked at him for a second, trying to figure out what he was thinking. This time, his eyes didn't look so life less. Something was there. I just can't tell what it is exactly. "I guess, maybe I can help with these urges? I don't know much about them but if there is a way I could help, I think I'm the only person who can." I said. I saw a slight smile come to his face. But it wasn't his usual cocky smile. It was genuine. "..Thanks." He replied.

    "So, what are Elizabeth and Michael doing?" I asked. "Michael is asleep, and I'm not sure what Elizabeth is doing." William replied. "I'll go check on her real quick." He said.

    A minute or two later, William came back down stairs. "Sooo?" I asked. "She was knocked out on the floor. Looked like she was playing and finally fells asleep from all of the excitement she's had today. Don't worry, I put her in bed." He said. I giggled a bit. "At least tomorrow is Friday. Also, I don't mean to bother, but do you happen to have another shirt or something by chance? This one has blood all over it." I said, pointing towards the blood on the sleeve. "Oh, right. Sorry about that. It was an accident.. kinda. If you go into my room, you should be able to find another sweater in the closet. If not, you can throw on a random shirt." He replied. 'Wow, he actually apologized.' I thought to myself. "Thanks." I said as I headed upstairs.

    I entered Williams room. There was a king sized bed in the middle with a black bedspread. There is two matching nightstands along with a matching dresser and a tv. The walls were grey and the curtains were a sheer, dark purple. 'At least the walls aren't purple.' I thought. There was also a connected bathroom. I walked towards the closet and turned on the light.
I searched through the clothes but couldn't find any sweaters. All I could find was a grey shirt or the same one William is wearing now. 'Fuck it.' I thought as I quickly changed into the same shirt William was wearing. 'This could piss him off... bet.' I thought to myself as I walked out of the bedroom and back to the living room. The shirt was a little big on me but overall it was very comfy.

     I peaked around the stairs to see William at the couch with popcorn and watching a movie. I approached him but this time I didn't sneak up. 'Already learned my lesson for that one.' I thought. I sat down on the other side of the couch. He looked at me curiously. A smirk then appeared on his face. "Aww you love me so much that you decided to match with me." He said in a teasing tone. "WHAT?? no I don't. It was to just mess around with you I guess." I replied. "Ouch." He said. I rolled my eyes. "So.. earlier those kids that were bullying Michael mentioned something about him being a murder. Do others know that..y'know..?" I asked. "No. They are talking about Michael, not me. I had another kid. His name was Chris. (AN: this will be CC name for this book.) He was a very shy kid, he also had really bad nightmares. Michael would bully him for crying about it so much. Then, on the day of his birthday, Michael and a few of his friends messed around with him and put his head in Fredbears jaw.. I guess the rest isn't worth explaining. Now, the kids that were Michaels friends are his bullies." William replied. He looked sad. "Sorry. I really didn't expect that. If you don't mind me asking, how long ago was this?" I asked with some sympathy in my voice. "Last year. It's been hard, especially for Michael. And now with Clara gone, it's affecting Elizabeth aswell." "Clara? Is she your wife?" I asked. "Yeah.. I caught her cheating a few days ago..again." He mumbled the last part. "So is tha-" "Y/n ask me another question and you won't wake up tonight." He said in an irritated tone. I shut my mouth. He was clearly annoyed, talking about these subjects. "Sorry." I mumbled

    "I'm tired but really don't wanna go to sleep yet." I said with a yawn. "Same. Do you wanna watch this with me?" William asked. "Yeah, sure. What are you watching." I said with a smile on my face. William stared at me with a disappointed face for a second. "...that was another question, Y/n." His expression was now unreadable. I couldn't tell if he was joking or being serious. "Oops?" I said in a nervous tone. William just chuckled and looked back at the TV. "I honestly have no idea what's on. I'm just going to keep watching it to find out I guess." He said. "Popcorn?" He asked, shaking the bowl. I sat closer to William to share the bowl with him. "Thanks." I said. "No problem, darling." He replied.

     -Words: 928-

[DISCONTINUED] -|Golden Memories|  A William Afton x Female! reader story-Where stories live. Discover now