-Chapter 12-

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(Image above is not mine)-Chapter 12-
        The end of the movie was nearing and so was my need to finally sleep. I tried my hardest to stay up, but my eyes wouldn't listen as they began to shut. The sound of the TV began to disappear as fell deeper into sleep.


       I struggled to open my eyes as the bright sun shined through the sheer curtains. All I could hear was soft breathing next to me. I was leaning on William's shoulder and his head rested on top on mine. I didn't know what time it is and I don't want to wake William up. 'Damn. I guess I'll just go back to s-' William then fully sat up and stretched with a groggy "Good morning, love." 'His morning voice is.. h- Y/N Shut Up.' I thought. "Good morning." I said as I stretched. I glanced at the clock, it read 6:12.  "Luckily for us, we have the day off." William said. "Yes." I said as I threw my fist in the air. William just chuckled and walked to the kitchen. "Y/n, do you mind waking Elizabeth and Michael up for me?" William asked as he pulled out some eggs from the fridge. "Sure." I replied as I walked up the stairs.

      "Elizabeth..hey, you need to get up for school." I said as I softly shook her. She got up and stretched. "Good morning Miss. Y/n." She said. "Alright, come down stairs when your done." I said as I walked out. I then walked into Michaels room. "Hey, Mike. You gotta get up." I said as I shook him a little. "I'm up, I'm up." He said as he stretched and got up. "When your done, come downstairs." I said as I walked out.

     I walked back to the kitchen to see William cooking. "What are you making?" I asked. "French toast and eggs. I'm just about done. This is Elizabeth's favorite." He replied. "Sounds so good." I said as my mouth began to water. "Today I'll drop Elizabeth and Michael off at school, get you a new tire, and then.. that's it I guess." He said as put food on to four plates. "Sounds good." I replied.

     It was silent as me, William, Elizabeth, and Michael ate. The French toast was really good. William took all of our plates and brought them to the sink when we were all done. Elizabeth and Michael went to go grab their bags for school and waited at the door for their dad. "Y/n I'll be back in a few! Don't go snooping around or I'll- ahem, never mind that." William said. "Bye!" They all said in union as they walked out.

    I watched whatever was on the TV for a few minutes but quickly became bored. 'House tour?' I thought. 'No. But... he wouldn't knowww....fuck it.' I thought as I made my way upstairs. I started in Elizabeth's room. She had light pink walls with white curtains and a twin size bed in the corner. She had a sage green bed spread and a white night stand with a pink lamp. There was a big grey rug in the middle of her room, a closet, bathroom, and a few scattered toys on the ground. There was a picture of Elizabeth on the wall. It was titled 'First day of first grade.' She looked very cute.

    I made my way to Michaels room next. He had navy blue walls, a queen bed with a grey bed spread, and grey curtains. There was a black rug in the middle of the room and a dresser along with a TV. There was his own bathroom but no closet. He also had his own electric guitar and amp. It was a beautiful shade of cherry red.

     The next room was a room I've never been in before. The walls were a light blue and there was a twin bed with a navy blue bed spread. On top of the bed were a few plushies, but the one that mainly stood out was a golden bear with a purple bow tie and top hat. Fredbear. He was overall cute, except for the eyes. It felt like they followed me everywhere I went. The windows had white curtains and there were drawings on the walls. A few had fallen to the floor. There was a grey rug along with some toys scattered on the floor. On the blue dresser, there was a fan, clock, and a picture of a little boy who looked almost exactly like William. There was also a closet but no bathroom. 'I guess this was Chris's room.' I thought.

      I shut the door to his room and made my way to the next room. Williams room. 'I shouldn't... but how would he know? Just a little look won't hurt anyone.. except probably me.' I thought to myself as I walked in. The first thing I took notice of was the picture on Williams nightstand. It was him, Chris, Michael, Elizabeth, and a woman who I assumed to be Clara, all together outside of a restaurant called 'Fredbear's Family Diner' I remember this restaurant all too well. It was how I got my arm spring locked. The day before this diner opened, Henry's first diner, I was helping Henry fix a few spring locks in Spring Bonnie's arm, since he couldn't fit his arm in it. While I was pulling my arm out, I accidentally triggered one of them with my sleeve. Thank god I made it to the hospital before I bled out. If Henry wasn't there, I don't think I would have made it. I wonder what happened to that old suit. Although I have a few bad memories with it, it really was my favorite.

     I picked up the picture frame and looked at it a little closer, the woman had beautiful strawberry blond hair and green eyes and a beautiful body. Elizabeth looked a lot like her. She definitely is gorgeous. I guess I can see why William married her. I was broken out of my thoughts as I heard a deep and irritated voice from behind me. "What are you doing?" I dropped the picture frame as I jumped a little, glass shattering on the floor beneath me. "Oh fuck me-" I mumbled.

(Sorry for not updating, I've been busy for the past few days and unable to update! Also, tysm for 200 reads! Let me know about any errors. Thank you! <3 )-Words: 1093-

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