Chapter 4

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Charlotte found Chris fully dressed in the kitchen making breakfast in the morning. "Chris, I'm sorry."

He turned around set a plate of eggs and toast in front of her, "for what? Nothing happened. You came here drunk, I showed you to a free bed. That's it."

She searched his eyes as they pleaded with her to go along with what he was saying. "Right." She started to eat her breakfast as he set coffee in front of her and sat next to her, both of them eating in an awkward silence.

"I found an apartment you can rent for a few months. It's fully furnished." She looked at him as he watched her, "it has two bedrooms." That sideways grin, ugh. Charlotte groaned silently in her head.

"Yeah? That's great Charlotte." Chris finished his breakfast and stood at the sink, his back to Charlotte. He needed to erase her lips from his memory. The smell of lavender and wine on her skin.

Charlotte watched Chris start to wash the dishes. She wanted his hands on her. She took her plate to him, standing close to him. She placed her hand on his as he looked down at her, "maybe I should get my own place while we're in New York."

Chris turned off the water and turned to face her. He brushed some hair softly out of her face. "No. It's fine. We can control ourselves. Right?"

Charlotte cleared her throat, running her hand up Chris's arm, "Normally, I could. But for some reason I can't. I can't stop thinking about your lips on mine. Or the sound of your moan."

Chris groaned as he placed his hands gently at her waist and rested his head on hers, "I know. I can't stop thinking about it either. But we have to. Okay?" He brought a hand to her cheek, running his thumb across her lips, gently parting them. "We have to forget it."

Charlotte started breathing quickly as Chris placed his hands at her waist before running his thumb across her lips. She placed her hands at his neck and nodded. She knew he was right, that they had to forget. "Okay Chris."

Though they both agreed, neither of them could move again. She placed her hand on his cheek, pulling his lips to hers. He moaned as her tongue softly flicked against his in his mouth. He pulled her body closer to his.

Charlotte pulled away, taking a few steps back still looking Chris in the eyes. "Okay. I'm going to go. And the next time we see each other it will be like none of this ever happened. I promise I will try to forget it if you do."

Chris couldn't respond, he only nodded as he watched Charlotte walk away from him, wanting so much to stop her. "Fuck!" He slammed his hand on the counter as he heard the front door shut. He plopped down on his bed as Dodger laid next to him. He wanted desperately for her to walk back into his house, into his room. He didn't know if he could live with her in New York for three months without touching her. He got up and took a shower, hoping to wash away his thoughts of her.


Charlotte returned to her apartment and put on running clothes. Even though it was getting to be February and the temps dropped, she had to do something to stop thinking about Chris. She threw in her AirPods with music and started running. She didn't even pay attention to where she ran, she just knew she needed to distract herself. Chris was right, they both needed to forget the kiss. She could still feel his lips on hers. The taste of coffee on his tongue as they stood in front of the sink this morning. She stopped running and looked around, "fuck." She stood at the end of Chris's long driveway to his house. Even her own body was betraying her. It wanted him, needed him. It also meant she had already ran almost 10 miles without even thinking. She sighed and turned around, running back to her apartment.

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