Chapter 23

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Charlotte sat in her office the next day when she heard a knock on her door, "come in." Her heart stopped when she saw Chris enter her office. "What are you doing here Chris?" She stood up as he closed the door behind him.

He watched her stand up from her desk in her pencil skirt and green blouse tucked neatly in the band. He bit his lip as he watched her approach him, "I didn't want to wait until my party to kiss you."

Charlotte laughed as closed the distance between them, "you can't wait one week? What is it with you?"

Chris hung his head down as she laughed, "okay. I deserve that. I'm sorry Charlotte." He looked up at her, stroking her cheek as she looked up at him through her glasses. He wanted her so bad, but he knew he would have to play it right. "Okay. I'll wait. Does that mean you'll come to my party?"

She nodded as she stepped closer to him, smiling at hearing his breath quicken. "I will. Yes." She laughed as she went back to sit at her desk. "And Chris?"

He turned back to her from the door, "yeah?"

"Don't kiss any other girls over the next week, okay?"

He rested his head on the door, making her laugh again, "that's two." He looked back at her, "I love you."

"I love you too, Chris. Now get out." She watched him leave her office as she leaned back in her chair. She groaned, not wanting to move too fast with Chris.

Chris shut the door, leaning back on it thinking about Charlotte flirting with him. He wanted so bad to go back into her office and lift her up, kissing her. He sighed, he knew she wanted to take it slow. It had already been a year and a half, how much slower could they go?


"Ugh. Tommy. I don't know if I can do this." She paced outside the bar they were having Chris' birthday party. They had decided to show up a bit late because she didn't want to draw too much attention to herself. She looked down at her dress. She chose a short blue glitter dress with a v neckline, "do I look okay?"

"Charlotte, you're here. All you have to do is step inside love." Tommy grabbed her hand, "and you look beautiful." She nodded and let him lead her inside, not letting go of his hand as she looked around.

She first encounters Scott, smiling as he made his way to her, she let go of Tommy's hand and hugged Scott, "Charlotte, I'm glad you're here."

She smiled at Scott, motioning to Tommy, "this is my friend Tommy. Tommy this is Chris' brother Scott."

Tommy smiled and shook his hand as Scott smiled at him, "yeah. Chris told me about his friend Tommy."

Charlotte made her way deeper into the party when she saw Pablo, "hey. Pablo, how are you?" He smiled down at her, "hey. Charlotte, right?"

"Yeah." She held out her hand, laughing, "I guess I never properly introduced myself. Sorry about that."

"No. It's fine. You were distracted." She blushed knowing she was talking about Chris. "So you went out with Chris?"

She shook her head, "oh, um. It's complicated."

He placed his hand on her shoulder, "it always is."

Before she could say anything she felt a hand on the small of her back, "Charlie. Hi."

She turned around, smiling at Sebastian. "Hi there."

She pulled him in for hug before he grabbed her hand, "you're wearing the bracelet again."

Charlotte pulled her hand from him, "yeah."

Sebastian shook his head, "so you did come back for him."

"I didn't actually. This will only time we've even seen each other for longer than 30 seconds." She was getting angry as he watched her, "and we aren't together anymore, so you don't really get a say in who I decide to date or not."

"I know Charlie. Why are you wearing the bracelet then?" He tried to grab her hand again but she pulled away.

"It's my decision. He gave it to Tommy to give back to me. It's not your business Sebastian. Why do you have to ruin everything." She walked away to find Tommy before letting him respond. She found Tommy and led him to the dance floor, placing her hands on his shoulders. "Have you seen him?"

Tommy smiled, nodding behind her as he let go of her waist. Charlotte turned to see Chris, "may I cut in?" Tommy nodded, leaving her with Chris.

"Happy birthday Chris." She wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her body firmly to his.

He didn't have to careful anymore, "you look beautiful Charlotte."

"I picked blue for you." She ran her fingers through his hair, "are you going to kiss me?"

Chris smirked at her, that half smile that always got to her, "if I do it, I might not stop. So I can, or we can wait until we are alone."

"And if we don't get time alone?"

Chris brought a hair to her hair, "come to my place after the party. Then we can be alone."

Charlotte groaned, "no. I can't Chris. Don't do that to me." She sighed as she left him on the floor, going to the bathroom.

She leaned against the wall as she tried to calm herself down. All she wanted was to go back to his house with him, but she needed to take things slow. She looked up to see Lisa enter the bathroom, "Lisa. Hi. It's good to see you."

Lisa smiled at her as she wrapped Charlotte in a hug. "I'm glad to see you here Charlotte."

Charlotte sighed, "yeah." She grinned, "how badly has Chris been moping?"

Lisa laughed, "less so recently. I assume that has something to do with you being back in Boston. What's going on?"

She shook her head, "I don't know. He made a mistake, I'm working on forgiving him still."

Lisa placed her hands on Charlotte's shoulders, "don't take too long. He loves you."

"I know he does. I should go." She smiled at Lisa before leaving the bathroom. She found Chris, walking up to him. She stood close to him, looking up at him, "take me on a proper date, just you and me."

Chris beamed down at her, "I'd love to."

She nodded, "I'm gonna go."

She started to walk away but Chris grabbed her hand, pulling her to him as he cupped her cheek in his hand, pressing his lips firmly to hers as she moaned softly. She placed her hand at the nape of his neck as she melted into his lips. She was out of breath when he pulled away, smiling at her. "I don't have to hide how I feel about you anymore Charlie." He leaned down to her ear, "and there's no one else I ever want to kiss but you." She couldn't say anything as she nodded, feeling Tommy behind her. Chris turned to Tommy, shaking his hand, "I'm glad you came Tommy."

Charlotte watched Tommy wink at Chris as he led her away, out of the bar. "I hate you Tommy."

Tommy laughed as he grabbed her hand, leading her to his car, "no you don't love." He helped her into the passenger, bending down to look at her, "you're welcome."

Charlotte groaned, "shut up and take me home."

"As you wish." He laughed again as he shut the door.


Charlotte laid in bed after changing, looking at her phone. She smiled before messaging Chris.

<Tell me the kiss was awful.>

Chris felt his phone vibrate as he pulled his phone from his pocket, laughing out loud when he saw Charlotte's message.

<Now you know I can't do that. I can't wait to do it again.>

Charlotte giggled at his response.

<I can't wait either.>

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