Chapter 21

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"Good morning Tommy!" Charlotte stood in Tommy's kitchen as he entered fully dressed. "Hey, thanks again for letting me stay here."

Tommy smiled at Charlotte as he watched her make breakfast, "stay as long as you like love. I don't mind." He was glad to have her back in Boston, and living with him. He had missed Charlotte when she went to New York.

Charlotte had been thankful Tommy had a big house he lived alone in, offering her one of his bedrooms to stay in. He even got her a job at the county courthouse as a Public Relations Specialist. Tommy cleared his throat as she handed him some coffee, "I know you just got here, but you realize they're going to be filming at the courthouse off and on over the next few months."

She laughed, "well it is only my first day Tommy. What does it matter? Except that I'm going to have to deal with them?" She looked at Tommy, knowing he was keeping something from her, "okay. Spit it out."

"I thought you knew. Chris is filming in Boston and at the courthouse."

Charlotte groaned, "you have to be kidding me." She pulled up his calendar on her phone, he never removed her access. She wasn't even sure he knew how. Sure enough it showed when he was filming and where. "I completely forgot. It's fine. I have his schedule, I know when to avoid him." She smiled at Tommy, "thanks for warning me."

Tommy put his hands on his friend's shoulders, "you haven't told him you're back in Boston?"

"No. And I don't intend to Tommy."

He sighed and backed away, sitting down to eat his breakfast. "Okay." He knew she was being dramatic again. She was in love with Chris and as her friend, he had to convince her to give him another chance. He just didn't know how to yet.

When they both finished, he drove them both to the courthouse. He walked her to where her office was. He kissed her on the cheek, "good luck on your first day Charlie. I'll see you later."


At lunchtime Tommy saw Chris across the street, he didn't think he noticed him, but Tommy saw him ushering him over.

"Tommy. How are you?" Chris ushered Tommy to him, hoping to check on Charlotte.

Tommy shook his hand, knowing he was only wanting to ask him about Charlotte. "I'm good Chris, how are you?"

Chris shrugged. He was awful and he missed Charlotte. "I'm fine. I guess."

He hesitated for a minute, making Tommy laugh, "just ask what you want to ask Chris."

Chris smirked, "how is Charlotte? Have you heard from her recently?"

Tommy set his briefcase down, crossing his arms in front of him. Charlotte didn't want Chris to know that she was back in Boston. "She's doing fine. Considering. I can't believe you fucked this up so spectacularly Chris." He laughed as Chris shook his head.

"I know." He looked at Tommy, "do I still have a chance to fix it? Is she still with Sebastian?"

Tommy groaned, "you know she wouldn't want me telling you too much. But, no. She isn't with Sebastian. And I hold out hope that you can fix it. You have to. She's still in love with you. I'm rooting for you."

Chris chuckled, "I appreciate that Tommy. Especially considering I hated you when I first saw you."

Tommy laughed, "yeah well. You were in love with Charlotte, and the first time you saw me I was coming out of her bedroom basically naked. I'd hate me too."

"Well thanks Tommy." Chris pulled out his phone looking back at Tommy, "want to hang out sometime? I promise not to talk about Charlotte. You watch baseball? Football?" He handed Tommy his phone to put his number in.

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