Chapter 19

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Charlotte knocked on the door to Tommy's mom's place, nervous as she waited for an answer. She was thankful it was Tommy that answered, smiling at her before kissing her on the cheek. "I'm so glad you decided to come Charlotte. Let me take your coat." He grabbed her coat as she removed it, as he noticed her bracelet.

"What's that?"

Charlotte smiled, looking down at her bracelet, "gift from Chris. And thank you for inviting me. Otherwise I'd just be at home alone."

"You're welcome here any time Charlotte." She turned to see Tommy's mom, Pam making her way to her.

"Mrs. Brassel, hi." She hugged Tommy's mom.

"Please. You're an adult now, call me Pam. I was so happy to hear when Tommy said you had moved back to Boston." Charlotte watched Pam smile at her before looking at Tommy.

"Well I'm not sure if I'm back for good. But I hope I am."

"Right. Tommy told me you were dating someone here from Boston. Anyone I'd know?"

Charlotte and Tommy laughed as he spoke up for her, "no mom. No one you know."

Pam looked confused at the obvious joke she was somehow missing out on, "well I'm glad to have you back around." She smiled softly before leaving them to themselves.

Charlotte looked at Tommy, "now where is Tiffany?" Tiffany was Tommy's twin sister. They used to be close when they were in high school, but like with Tommy, they had drifted apart in college. Before Tommy could answer, he nodded behind Charlotte as she watched his sister making her way to him, smiling.

"Charlotte!! Don't tell me you're dumb enough to be back with my brother." They both laughed as she wrapped her old friend in a hug.

"No no. Just friends. I have a boyfriend."

Tommy laughed next to them as he leaned towards his sister, "you'll never guess who."

Charlotte hit him in the chest, "Thomas Anthony! Shut your mouth."

He shook his head, "she can keep a secret. And come on, I want to see her face when you tell her. I'll tell her if you want."

Tiffany looked from her brother to Charlotte, "what is he talking about? Who are you dating?"

Tommy leaned over to his sister, whispering "Captain America."

Tiffany squealed loudly as Charlotte tried to shush her. "Oh my god, Charlotte!"

Charlotte shook her head, "I hate you so much Tommy."

He laughed, "no you don't. Come on, let's get you a drink love."

She followed him to the kitchen as he handed her a glass of whisky. She spent the night talking to Tommy and Tiffany, and even reconnected with a few old friends from high school they still talked to. She was happy to have something for once that was her own. Since moving to Boston, everything had been about Chris and Chris' family.

She ended up having too much to drink as Tommy showed her to the guest bedroom just after midnight. He set a water bottle and aspirin on the nightstand and covered with a blanket before heading to his own childhood bedroom next to her.

Charlotte woke up in the middle of the night to see the water bottle and aspirin. She smiled at Tommy's thoughtfulness as she took the aspirin, drinking the water before going back to sleep.


Chris woke up in the morning to his phone ringing. He didn't remember how the night ended, having had too much to drink. He grabbed his phone, standing to answer it as he turned to see a girl asleep in his bed. "Oh my god."

'Chris? Are you there?' It was Charlotte on the phone. His heart sank to his stomach as he watched the girl sleeping, obviously naked.

"I'm here Charlie. Look, I can't talk right now. I'll see you later though, okay? I love you."

Charlotte hesitated, something was wrong, 'I love you too Chris. What's the matter?'

Chris sighed, hanging his head down, "no. Nothing. I have to go."

Charlotte looked at her phone, he hung up before she could say anything else. She knew something was wrong, but didn't know why he wouldn't talk about it.
"Fuck!" Chris got dressed quickly before waking up the girl, "hey. You need to go, I'm sorry." He was thankful that the girl just nodded before getting dressed, quickly leaving his room. He sat with his head in his hands on the edge of the bed when he heard a knock on the door.

He opened it to find his brother standing in the doorway, looking cross, "did I just see a girl leaving your room?"

He sat back on his bed, tears forming in his eyes, "god Scott. I don't remember bringing her up here. Charlotte will never forgive me."

Scott patted his brother on the back, "you fucked up. Big time."

Chris looked up at his brother, "thanks."


Charlotte waited for Chris in his sunroom, reading. She knew he was due back soon, and knew that something was wrong. Her heart started to race as she heard him enter the house. She set the book down and waited for him to enter the kitchen off the sunroom. She watched him stop when he saw her, "Charlie."

She stood up, "Chris. What's the matter? I know something's wrong? What happened?" She started to feel the panic set in as she watched his face.

Chris shook his head as he approached her, "I'm so sorry Charlotte." He reached out to her but she pulled back.

"What did you do?" She stepped back seeing the guilt all over his face, already knowing the answer. "Oh god Chris. We only had one more week! How could you do this?"

"I know! I'm sorry Charlotte! You slept with Tommy and Sebastian!"

Charlotte felt the anger welling up inside her, "you can't honestly make that comparison. I was in a relationship with Tommy. And I had sex with Sebastian, once over 8 fucking months ago! And what about all the girls you brought home?"

"I know." He tried to pull her to him but she swatted his hand away.

"Don't touch me!" She grabbed her stuff, slamming the door to his house as she left him with tears in his eyes in the kitchen.


Charlotte avoided him over the next week, showing up to his house for their meeting with Nick and her boss about the contract. She didn't say anything to him as she sat next to him as the meeting started. Her boss asked her if she wanted to renew her contract. Charlotte leaned forward, still not looking at Chris, "I don't. In fact, I quit." She looked at Chris, "and I quit here too." She placed his keys and his credit card on the table. "I'm sorry, but I'm done." She handed a resignation letter to her boss before leaving them. She ignored Chris calling for her as he followed her outside.

He grabbed her arm before she entered the Uber she had waiting for her, making her face him, "Charlotte, please don't go. I love you."

She looked at him a moment, trying to control the tears that were trying to fall, "Tommy was wrong, love isn't enough. I'm sorry Chris. I'm going back to New York."

Chris hung his head down, "not to Sebastian. Please don't say you're going back to Sebastian."

Charlotte hit him in the chest, pushing him back, "I gave up being with Sebastian for you! He loves me! I continued to choose you over him, over and over. And you couldn't even last one more week!"

"I'm sorry. Please. It didn't mean anything Charlotte. I don't even remember it. I love you, please don't go." Chris felt his own tears betraying him as he watched her stand firm in her decision.

"I can't stay. Goodbye Chris." She looked at him one more time before getting into the car, waiting until she was out of view before letting her own tears fall.

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