Chapter 10

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When Chris arrived back to the apartment late after leaving the theatre, he found Charlotte still awake, pacing in the living room. "Charlie? What's the matter?"

Charlotte turned around to face Chris as he approached her, "ugh. Chris. I'm sorry."

Chris searched her face, trying to figure out what the problem was, "for what, love?" He rested his hands on her arms, trying to calm her or calm himself, he wasn't sure which.

Charlotte let out a long sigh, "when I took Dodger running this morning, I ran into Sebastian." She looked up at Chris as he crossed his arms in front of himself, stiffening. "He asked if he could make me dinner for my birthday. And I said yes."

"Okay." Chris closed his eyes, shaking his head, bracing himself for what was coming, "and?"

"Chris." She reached out to him but decided against it, "I slept with Sebastian. I'm sorry."

He opened his eyes to her guilty face, not knowing what to say. What could he say? She didn't belong to him. They weren't in a relationship. He reached out, running his hands down her arms, still not saying anything.

"Chris, please say something. Anything." She took a step towards him, but he stepped back, letting go of her arms.

"I don't know what to say. I'm going to bed." She watched the pained look in his eyes before he walked away, closing his door.

Chris laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling. What did he expect; he was the one that introduced them. And Sebastian was a great guy. But she was his. She was all he wanted.


Charlotte woke up early in the morning, waiting for Chris to wake up. He still wasn't up when he normally did. She knocked on the door but he didn't answer. She opened the door to find him still asleep. She sat on the edge of the bed, running her fingers through his hair, "Chris. Wake up." She felt him grab her hand from his face as he opened his eyes, looking at her. He still didn't know what to say as he brushed some hair from her face.

He shook his head, facing away from her on the bed, "can you go?"

"Chris. Please. Talk to me." She felt the tears starting to well in her eyes as he turned from her.

"I have nothing to say."

She stood up, watching him for a minute before leaving him on the bed. She texted Sebastian.

<I can't get Chris to talk to me. Can you come over?>

She heard her phone ding right away.

<I'll be right there doll.>

She paced in the living room again as she waited for Sebastian to arrive. Chris still hadn't come out of his room. She jumped when she heard him knock on the door, "Sebastian!"

He entered the apartment quickly, "what's the matter? Did you tell him we slept together?"

She nodded as she started to cry, not being able to control it any longer. "He won't talk to me. Or get out of bed." Sebastian stood for a few minutes holding her until she calmed down.

Sebastian knocked on Chris' door, "Chris?" He opened the door when there wasn't an answer, they found him getting dressed.

Chris groaned, "what do you want Sebastian?" He turned to see them both standing in the doorway of his room. "I already said I have nothing to say. What can I say?"

Charlotte stepped towards him as he pushed past both of them, going to the kitchen. Charlotte followed him, grabbing his arm, "please. You have to say something."

Forbidden Love 💙Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz