Chapter 31

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Charlotte sighed as she stood up, watching Olivia approach her in the restaurant. She was tall and blonde with amber brown eyes. She was gorgeous and it made Charlotte insecure. She nodded politely as Olivia sat down. "It's nice to meet you Olivia."

Olivia smiled, "same. Tommy talks about you all the time. You guys are close? I assume this is some sort of test to see if I'm good enough."

Charlotte laughed, she was charming. She groaned in her head, "sort of. Yeah. Tommy and I have been friends since high school. We actually dated in high school. He's my best friend."

"You're protective of him, I get that. You don't have to worry. I really like him." Olivia leaned forward, "and I guess I should apologize for flirting with Chris before in the bar. I hadn't realized he was with someone."

Charlotte sighed, "it's fine. It's not that uncommon. Girls flirt with him a lot. It's not just Tommy I'm protective of, but Chris and our privacy. Did Tommy tell you you'd have to sign an NDA? Not only is Tommy my best friend, but he's close friends with Chris. So if you're going to be around then you'll end up being around Chris as well at some point. It's my job to vet the people that come into our life."

Olivia locked eyes with Charlotte, "look, we haven't really discussed it yet, but I love Tommy. And I'm only a little sorry I flirted with Chris, because if I hadn't then I never would have met Tommy. So, I'll sign whatever you want if it means I can stay with him."

Charlotte leaned back in her seat, feeling a little more at ease, "okay." Charlotte finished her lunch with Olivia, leaving the lunch actually liking her. She was from just outside Boston, moving to the city for work. They liked a lot of the same music and she was only a year younger than her and Tommy.


Charlotte and Chris let themselves into Lisa's house on Thanksgiving, finding her in the kitchen. Lisa hugged and kissed them both on the cheek as Chris handed her a pie.

"Chris made it. I helped a bit, but he made it himself." Charlotte was so happy he had taken her wanting him to learn to cook seriously and she was proud at how well he was doing.

Lisa smiled at them, "really?" She looked at Charlotte, "he's come a long way. That makes me so happy."

Charlotte grabbed his hand, "well, he makes me happy. You sure you're okay with my inviting Tommy and his family?"

Lisa placed her hand on Charlotte's shoulder, "yeah. Of course. Chris said he was the only family you really had."

"Thank you Lisa." Charlotte heard a ding as she pulled out her phone, letting go of Chris and leaving him in the kitchen. It was from Sebastian

<Hey. Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you guys have a good day. I love you.>

<Thanks Seb. I love you too.>

She looked up as Chris approached her. She handed him her phone to see the message from Sebastian.

"He's coming around?" Chris handed the phone back, smiling at her. He was still a bit jealous, but he knew he didn't have to worry about Charlotte, so he was okay with them trying to be friends.

"I think so. yeah." She was about to hug him when they heard a knock on the door, "that must be Tommy." She opened the door to find Tommy with his mother and sister and Olivia. She let them in as Tommy handed her the NDA from Olivia, "thank you. Really." She smiled at Tommy and then Olivia. Charlotte introduced Tiffany and Pam to Chris, Tiffany practically squealing.

Tiffany blushed as Chris laughed at her, "sorry."

Tommy grabbed Charlotte's arm, "hey can I talk to you?"

Charlotte nodded and led him to Chris' childhood bedroom, "what's up Tommy?"

"I just wanted to hear your thoughts on Olivia, we hadn't had a chance to talk since you had lunch."

She watched the nervous look on her friend's face. Was he actually worried about her approval? "She's actually really great Tommy. I really didn't want to like her, but I do."

"Yeah? That's so great. I'm really falling." She wrapped Tommy in a hug as she felt him relax.

"She said she loves you when we had lunch."

Tommy pulled away, looking at her, "wait. Really?" He sighed, "good. I'm glad she feels the same way."

"She does. You're happy Tommy?" He didn't say anything, just nodded. "Good. I love you Tommy."

"I love you too Charlotte. And I am happy."

As they all sat, eating dinner, Chris' mom asked when they'd be getting married.

Chris shook his head, "mom. Stop."

Charlotte laughed, "I guess we will as soon as Chris asks me." Chris looked at Tommy as there was a ruckus through the table.

Tiffany leaned forward, "do I get to be maid of honor?"

"Sorry." Charlotte looked at Tommy, "that goes to your brother. He's my maid of honor. Man? of honor? I don't know. I'm sure we'll think of a title befitting him."

Chris laughed, shrugging, "we could just both have best men."

Charlotte shook her head, "well. It isn't something that has to be worked out now." She looked at Chris, "like I said, Chris has to ask first."

Tiffany decided to change the subject, "it's a shame Chris's only brother is gay."

Everyone laughed as Scott leaned forward, "yeah, sorry love." He looked at Charlotte, "well, there is always Sebastian."

Tiffany put her fork down, looking at Charlotte, "wait, you mean Sebastian Stan? Is he single?"

Charlotte blushed, groaning as she looked at Tommy for help. He nodded, "so does anyone have New Year's plans?"

Charlotte mouthed thanks to him before she leaned forward, "actually, since everyone is here, you should know Chris won't be having a New Year's party this year." She looked up at Chris, "we'll be in Fiji the week after Christmas, just the two of us."

"Wait, really?" Tommy smiled at his friend.

"Yeah. Secluded, private beach. They deliver all our meals, so we'll never have to leave our villa if we don't want to." She looked to see Chris watching at her, wanting in his eyes. She brushed her leg against his to make sure he knew she wanted him too.

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