Th Dragon and orcs

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Next morning was worse. The wind was more hotter and faster. Sonja ran in the balcony. First thing she heard was. "A dragon". No oh no. "A DRAGON"Thorin roared down to the whole Erebor. Sonja ran behind a pillar as the fire blew to them. "SONJA GET OUT OF THIS MOUNTAIN!!"Thorin yelled. "NO I WILL BE NEXT TO YOU"She roared back. "NOT THIS TIME RUN. RUUNN!!"He shouted pushing her after kissing her head tenderly. So she did she knew she could not disobey her brother. Would she ever she him again? Or her other siblings? Or family? Most of all. Dwalin.
She ran in a forest. She heard shrieks. Orcs. Oh crap. She had no weapons. Slowly the pack approached her. She fought with everything she could till an arrow pierced her side. The orcs laughed darkly at her. "Let us have some fun boys"the pale one saud in black speach.
Sonja lay on the floor half naked waking. Whipped. Hit. Kicked. Touched. She had been in Moria for months. There was battlecries. Dwarves. Her family. She shakily stood as she saw there was no guards. She found a dagger. She took it and ran away. She knew these halls. First thing she saw was her grandfather beheaded. No. Anger coursed through her veins. She started to kill everything that the dagger could pierce. Gathering a sword from one death orc. Then she saw it her brother fighting the pale orc. One others tried to kill him but she threw a dagger on it's throath. Thorin cut the pale orcs arm. It let out a cry. The dwarfs got their chance. "DU BEKAR! DU BEKAR!"Young dwarf prince yelled and they got their kingdom back. After the battle ones who survived were with each other. Sonja slowly approached her brother. "Thorin!"she called weakly. Thorin turned sharply. There she was. His sister. Beaten and hurted. "Thank Mahal"he sighed and went to her hugging her like no tomorrow. Sonja returned the hug gladly. "Thorin who is that?"Dwalins voice was heard. "Come see"the prince smiled gently knowing how much his little sister liked the guard. "Sonja..."the mohawk headed dwarf whispered running to them lifting Sonja from the ground hugging her. In that moment she knew she was home. In those arms she knew she was safe. But she knew they would be separated.

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