Don't do that ever again

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I just climbed in Bard's house. That water was freezing. And oh shit. Sorry. But I just relaised my white shirt was see through. I crossed my arms over my chest. Then in a flash I was in someones arms wrapped in blanket. Dwalin. I nuzzled his chest. I felt calmingly warm. I have not slept more than three hours in weeks. I yawned. "Sleep"he whispered. "Thorin needs-" "he has Balin, Fili and Kili now sleep"my legs were taken from under me and I was completely in Dwalins arms. I gave in. I kissed him softly then rested my head on his shoulder. I was soon fast asleep.


I woke up in yelling. All the dwarves were gone. I'm going tp kill couple of them. I bolted up and ran. I didn't care. I found the towns center. The dwarves and Bard were having a somekind of fight. Why can't they stay from fight for three seconds. Bard had a point though. Thorin was getting greedier every day. I sighed and walked between Bofur and Fili. "Aunt!"Fili whispered happily hugging me to his side. I chuckled. At least he loves me. Finally we were welcomed in. I looked at Bard with sorry eyes. Just before he could leave I grabbed his hand. "Sorry"I said sincerely. "Sonja!"my brother barked. "I was just being a good friend"I said. "Unlike someone who can't even be a brother"I spat. It hurt he didn't even trust me to come with them. He's face got look of true pain. I sighed and hugged him. "Just Don't do that ever again"I groaned. I can't ever be angry to him. Two days tops. Believe me I've tried but he's too.....Thorin. And I don't know is that particulaly good thing, but his my brother and I don't care. Also I'm very happy to say he can't be angry with me even a day. He once got angry to me at morning and he apologied at midday. Together we walked inside and I went straight to sleep. In some time of the night I felt someone lay beside me. "Goodnight little Thorin"Dwalin said. I groaned. Yep. That he called me all the time in Erebor. Looks like he got drunk with Balin and old menories came up. I chuckled and took a blanket covering us kissing his bald head.

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