Seeing again

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Sixty years later

Sonja's p.o.v
"I hate this map!"I exlaimed to my brother as we tried to find Bagend. This was the second time we were lost. "Hey there is a mark!"Thorin said pointing one door. "Yes! Finally!"I said. Thorin knocked the door three times firmly. The door opened. "Gandalf! I thought you said this place would be easy to find. We lost in our way! Twice!"Thorin told. "We would have not found it if it would not br for that mark on that door"I said. "No no! There is no mark on that door! It was painted a week ago!"a brown haired hobbit said coming up. "Yes there is I put it there myself"Gandalf explained. "Now let me introduce you the leader of our company Thorin Oakenshield and his sister Sonja "he introduced us. I went to our nephews who both hugged me while Thorin annoyed Master Baggins. Then I looked to my left and saw.....him. Dwalin son of Fundin. No mohawk anymore. 'After I eat'I mouthed to him. He nodded. I wanted to talk to him! He was my bestfriend. Now maybe he has a family. Children and h-his one. Master Baggins gave me bread and tea as I sat down. I nodded thanks. Balin on my right asked:"What of the dwarfs of Ered luin will they come?" "From all seven kingdoms"the dwarves cheered a little. "What about dwarfs from Iron hills? Is Dain with us?"Dwalin asked from across of me. "They will not come. They say this is our guest and ours alone"I said frowning. So did all the dwarfs. "Guest you are going on a guest?"Bilbo asked from the door. "Yes Bilbo my lad could you give us little more light?"Gandalf asked. Bilbo came with a candle and read over Thorins shoulder :"the Lonely mountain"I dozed off. Memories flooded through my mind. Me and Thorin racing through the halls. Sparring with Dwalin. Oh those days. "Sonja. Sonja. Sonja!"my brothers voice shook me. "Mmm?"I asked. "The hobbit fainted the little meeting is over"he said. I nodded and stood up. Then I remembered I needed to talk to Dwalin. I found him leaning to a doorframe alone. I took a shaky breath and walked over to him. I tapped his shoulder. "Dwalin"I said softly. He turned to me slight smile on his face. Tears brimmed my eyes. I was so happy to see him. "How are you my friend?"I asked. "Well you?"he asked. "Nicely. So have you found a maiden yet?"I asked little scared of the answer. "Nah. One has my eyes though.What about you have you found a lucky lad?"I felt my heart throb. "No"I said shaking my head. One tear slid down my cheek. He hugged me. I inhaled his scent. "Why do you smell me everytime I hug you?"he asked chuckling. "Your scent calms me down"I replied blushing a little. He just buried his face in my hair.
3rd persons p.o.v
Balin and Thorin watched their siblings hug. "Thorin you do know who the lass is?"Balin asked. "I do not even want to"Thorin groaned. "My my. But do know my brother is quite smitten with your sister"Balin warned. Thorins eyes narrowed and softened as he remembered his sister. If she was happy so was he.

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