Facing Thorin

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I was nervous. I knew why the elves and men came . I gave the arkenstone away with Bilbo. It was partly mine to give anyway. I'm Durins line. I listened as Thorin tried to say it was not the real one. And Bilbo confess it was him. I felt like an empty shell. With sudden boldness I said. "I gave it with him" I said slowly so Thorin could not strangle Bilbo. Thorin looked at me angrily. "YOU BETRAYED YOUR BROTHER YOU FILTH. I PROMISED TO KILL THE ONE WHO BETRAUED ME"he hollered putting his sword at my neck. I didn't flinch. Even though half of the dwarves did. "THEN DO IT"I screamed. "Take my head. See how your own sword is covered with your own blood. See your sisters head fall to your own feet. See yourself killing your flesh and blood"something disappeared from his eyes for a second then it came back. He attacked for Bilbo. I put my sword against his. "You cannot best me in that state Thorin. And Bilbo to Gandalf NOW"I said. Thorin looked at me with face that looked like I just had struck him. "Will you have peace or war?"Bard asked with true sorrow. "I will have war" Thorin growled walking away. "Why did you do it aunt? It's our heirloom"Fili asked. "Fili it is your 'heir doom'. That stone started a madness. The arkenstone makes him worse. I saw my grandfather falk for it's beauty. I do not want my brother to have the same fate as him" I explained kissing him on th3 check. I walked to my chamber sighing. Now let's prepare my weapons.

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