part 1

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"What a sight!"

Yeonjun turns around when he hears the voice he had been hating for years now. He just despised the owner of the voice with a burning passion. Irony how it used to be his comfort a few years back. With the voice, the person brings all the past memories that he has tried to forget for the past years.

"Choi Soobin."

Yeonjun finally turns brushing off all his thoughts and uttering his name with newfound confidence. Though he has seen the other oftentimes on screens, he is much more enchanting and breath-taking than the last time he saw Soobin. He has gotten fit, his suit compliments every part of his body in a way that makes him look much better than any other outfit, and as usual, Yeonjun is mesmerized.

Soobin is no different, he keeps telling himself he just wants to catch up with the new artist in the industry when he watched Yeonjun, definitely not for staring at him. Yes, he is sure.

"It's been a while," Soobin says trying to look at Yeonjun, searching for something familiar in the face. He notices his soft hair falling right into his eyes, the soft peachy makeup on his face, his full pink lips, and his cute nose. Not to mention his loose shirt and tight slacks too.

"Yeah, indeed," he says back not trying to further build the conversation.

"Aren't you excited to see me?" he finally asked.

"Not the person I wanted to see after the happiest moment I had a moment ago," Yeonjun continued.

"Ouch, that's mean," Soobin fake pouted, then a devilish smirk taking its turn on his lips. "Finally, you are on my level," he says. He knows he is testing the other male's patience, but this is fun.

Yeonjun scoffed. "You haven't changed at all. You're the same asshole and I am glad I forgot about you for the past six years."

Soobin smiles. "At least, I have been an idol for the past five years, something I can't say about you."

"At least, I am a soloist and I don't have to share my lines or the screentime with anyone? You get one-fourth my screentime, how does that sound?"

"Pretty fucking awesome, two albums of the year, one boyband of the year, and a world tour. And what do you have?"

"This," Yeonjun shows his statuette, the one he got for his artist of the year. That was the show they were currently attending and now Yeonjun was there right showing off his award on Soobin's face.

"Don't get a showcase ready, this may be your last one," Soobin says, a little pissed.

"At least I get to keep it with me, what do you do with yours? Take turns and keep it with you once a month? Keep it in the company's showcase?" Yeonjun knows he is hitting the nails and doesn't care a bit.

"At least we have a wardrobe worthy to display," Soobin says and turns to walk out.

"Hey Soobin," Yeonjun calls for him before he goes.


"Fuck you!"

"You wish," Soobin snorts before walking away.


It's two hours later and Yeonjun is already tipsy. He was so elated from the award but he had to somehow meet Soobin and his happiness was just like that all gone. He definitely needed a drink and that's exactly what he did.

He down a shot more and looks around. He knows he is lonely, he knows he has no one here. He was new to the idol world, and he didn't have potential friends nor many connections. He came from a very small company, and not many people would want to be friends with him either. But he rose so instantly. He just released one album, and it was already topping the charts.

He had an unlimited number of fans, and he loved when people loved his work. People fell in love with his voice, also the way his body curves to every beat in the song. His performance leaves you enchanted and that's why everyone couldn't get enough of him. He just had this immense amount of talent, and he has worked hard to bring that to display, and he was getting noticed for it.

"Yeonjun," he heard, "How fortunate of me, to see you again in less than three hours."

Yeonjun clenched his jaw and looked at Soobin. How unfortunate was this day going to get?

"Maybe if you didn't follow me nor stop being in the same area like me, you wouldn't."


"Anyway, get out of my sight, it's annoying," Yeonjun muttered, taking a step back.

"Yeah, I would but then you look lonely," the concern in Soobin's voice was as fake as the smile on his face.

"I am not, and even if so as I said, better than having you keep me company."

"Choi Yeonjun, I don't remember you being this bitchy back then," Soobin snarls. The Yeonjun he remembers was anything but rude.

They met six years back, they trained together, they ate their meals together, and went back home together. They were all along until the final selection day came in. Fortunate for Soobin he made the cut into the group, but Yeonjun didn't. He had no chance but to pack up and leave the company the same day.

Yeonjun sighed, tired from all the memories. "Go bother someone else, I am not in the mood for this right now."


thank you fr so much love in the last chap even though i am here after a very long time! hope you like this story <3

love ya cheesecakes

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