part 17

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Soobin busted into the apartment, immediately grabbing Yeonjun's waist and pulling him closer to himself. "I knew you wouldn't make it away from me."

Yeonjun chuckled, shyly wrapping his arms around the taller's shoulders "It's too hard to let go. I kept thinking about our promise, I had to call you and just-"

"Just spend time with me, huh?" Soobin asked playfully.

"I wanted to hug you," Yeonjun admitted, nearly crying "I really have no one, yet you're the only one I ever missed."

"I told you we can pull this off as a secret."

"Baby," Yeonjun choked up, hating how it took him less than two weeks to break and call the younger to come over. He wasn't even sure what he wanted from Soobin, he just wanted him here.

"I mean it," Soobin said, holding Yeonjun close and kissing his temple "We'll make this work."

"Can you just be here with me tonight?"

"Of course, Yeonjunnie. Of course. I love you so much" Soobin breathed out, leaning down to nuzzle his nose into the older's shoulder "I loved you since forever. I was just a kid; I couldn't do anything about it. And then you broke my heart. Yeonjun, all the sad songs I wrote are about you" Soobin began confessing, finally finding the courage to say it.

"I saw your debut and I just... I kept staring at each performance, listening to your songs, I was just as deep in as I used to be. I wondered what happened to you, so believe me, when you were announced to debut, it was like the best day of my life. You broke me but I just kept missing you more, that's why I would take anything you gave me. Even if it was just sex, at least I was close to you. But Yeonjunnie, I got greedy. I waited for too long to just accept what was handed to me and when I was sure you had feelings for me too, I told you. I know I cried and fuck, it hurt a lot, but I can forgive you anything. I just want you, please don't leave me again. Ever."

Yeonjun was lost for words. He was basking in the warmth of the younger's big arms, still standing in the hallway of his apartment. And for the first time in forever, he felt home. Soobin was so sweet, so desperate to have him... Yeonjun couldn't push him away. Not again.

"My baby," Yeonjun muttered, tangling his fingers into Soobin's hair, and caressing his head. He couldn't even find the right words to answer Soobin with.

"You'll reject me now, huh? I said too much as always?" Soobin asked quietly.

"No," Yeonjun replied softly "No, I can't do that. I'm slowly accepting how much I need you. I thought I'm fine on my own, selfishly working on my career. But you're always in the back of my mind, I have to have you, baby."

"Then keep me," Soobin breathed out.

"Okay," Yeonjun said shortly, gently tugging on the taller's locks to pull his head out of his own neck where it kept hiding.

They looked at each other and both slowly leaned in, meeting halfway. Their kiss was long and chaste, sweet in taste and rough in need. They were taking their time, slowly slopping their lips against one another, sharing their first-ever kiss.

They had sex all those times, but never simply kissed, finding it way too meaningful. And Soobin was glad. This was the kiss of his dreams, holding his love between his arms and moaning whenever his tongue darted over his lips.

Yeonjun cradled Soobin's cheeks between his small hands and tilted his head as he pleased, eventually deepening their kiss. It felt too good to be true and Yeonjun wasn't even sure when Soobin picked him up to carry him to the bedroom. But Yeonjun was far too intoxicated with the way Soobin tasted to care about anything else than their tongues mingling against each other, almost reaching their throats.

"Baby," Yeonjun whined, when Soobin pushed him onto the bed, pulling their lips apart.

"What? You're getting needy?" Soobin asked, following the older and sliding onto the mattress as well.

"No, I just want to kiss," Yeonjun pouted, climbing onto the younger's body straddling him. He put his hands on his chest and said "I want to keep kissing you until we're out of breath, take a break and then keep kissing you. I want you close, Soobin."

"Why do you want me so badly?" Soobin asked, setting his hands on the older's waist and staring at him fondly. Yeonjun was just so beautiful. His hair formed a mess around his face, his nose was shiny from the few happy tears he shed, and his eyes were blown wide from the immense feelings that filled him up.

"Because I love you," Yeonjun whispered and leaned down, swiping Soobin's hair off his forehead. It was always so soft and fluffy, covering up the younger's pretty face. His eyes were so gentle, always staring at Yeonjun with so much adoration. And Yeonjun finally noticed it and appreciate it. Even if he was so afraid of their future.

Soobin looked at Yeonjun, fully taking in the view. They stayed silent, basking with how loudly and quickly their hearts were thumping. "So, you're done rejecting me?" Soobin asked quietly.

"Yes. Yes, let's stay a secret. Let's make this work. I need you, baby," Yeonjun said frantically, connecting his lips with the younger again.

"Okay," Soobin whispered back, wrapping his arms around the older's waist, and holding him down to flush their chests together. "I love you too. We'll be okay."

Yeonjun sniffled, feeling hot tears streaming down his cheeks and falling onto Soobin's. He was still so confused and lost with himself, but now he had him. His Soobin, that was his home. Things would be alright. They had to be because they now have each other. Theirs wasn't a completed story, to begin with, it wasn't one to end. They would keep loving each other for all that is to come, to make up for the missed time, to embrace the present, and to have a blissful future. 

Regretting past decisions, doubting the future only makes even the present miserable as it fades away as past the next day. Never living in the future is a mistake everyone keeps making, but for once they decided to change it. Yeonjun and Soobin loved each other now, and that's what mattered.

·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ ✦ The End ✦ ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·

Thank you for reading another story from me lovelies <3

This was supposed to be a short one, and I am glad it came out almost like I imagined it to be. Hope everyone liked it!

Your thoughts about the story?

See you soon in another setting with our lovely Yeonbin ♡

until then - Maya ❤

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