part 11

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Yeonjun and Soobin have been seeing each other for the past weeks, spending their time having sex and nothing else. Sometimes they talked, but never anything meaningful. It was getting off and then Soobin left the apartment as if nothing happened.

Sometimes they were fast and impatient, and on other days they took turns to pleasure the other. It was a great relationship they had going and subconsciously, it became exclusive.

They saw each other every few days, neither was needier than that. Besides, their sex was great and satisfying, why try with someone new and get disappointed?

"Hello?" Yeonjun picked up the incoming call. He was sitting down on the cold floor of the dance studio, training hard for his upcoming concerts. He wanted his shows to be perfect.

"Are you free?" Soobin asked.

"Not really," Yeonjun sighed, "I'm still working."

"But it's past midnight."


"Well, you should rest."

"I won't be resting with you though?" Yeonjun asked playfully.

"Right, forget I called then," Soobin answered, sounding a bit sad.

"Hey, wait," Yeonjun said, "Give me an hour."

"But I'm serious, you should rest." Soobin retorted.

"Okay, then come over to take care of me. I'll sleep like a baby after that."

Soobin sighed on the line, hating how perfectly Yeonjun could corner him "Okay. See you in an hour then."

Yeonjun smiled, putting his phone away. Finally, he had something to look forward to. He wasn't sure why he kept seeing Soobin and how he felt about it. He was immersed too deeply into his façade, the one he built specifically for his career.

He knew debuting at twenty-four and as a solo act would be hell, and he was right. Many doubted him and treated him as something worse, when, fame-wise, he was loved and praised. Fans and sponsors adored him.

So, that was why he stopped caring about idol friendships or what they thought about him. They were all simply jealous of his sudden success. It seemed easy to them, but the truth was, Yeonjun worked hard for so many years, failing multiple times until he got good enough to make it.

Whenever Yeonjun looked at Soobin's group, he felt pain washing over him. It had been six years and he ended up being better off on his own, but all those guys used to be his friends. Especially Soobin. And now they had to act like strangers.

Yeonjun used to be a no-one when Soobin was already famous, but now the tables turned and Yeonjun was more popular than the group and scooped trophies for Best Single away from them. They had all the proper reasons to hate each other.

Yeonjun had to play tough and unbothered, but deep inside he was still hurting. He could've been a part of them. But then Soobin would've been in his situation. And Yeonjun didn't really wish upon anyone else to go through what he had to. So still to this day, he was torn about what was going in his heart. And that was why he guarded it up, swearing that he wouldn't let anyone near it. He didn't like not being in control of his fate after all that had happened to him, and he promised to never find himself in such a state ever again.

Yeonjun danced through a few tracks one last time and quickly left the studio afterward, watching as the lights went off. It was now his reality to just practice until he didn't have the energy to do it anymore. He loved singing and performing, despite the career being physically and emotionally draining, he was grateful to have it. Yeonjun's dreams finally came true. Then, why wasn't he happy?

He made it home in no time and showered before Soobin showed up. He even used some vanilla-scented oils, loving how insanely intoxicating his whole body smelled.

Yeonjun didn't bother getting properly dressed, he just threw on an oversized shirt that covered his ass well enough. It reached his mid-thighs and he looked in the mirror, tugging on his damp hair.

It would get sweaty soon anyway, there was no point in drying it perfectly. Yeonjun's eyes were a bit darkened from the tiredness he felt, but that didn't mean he didn't want Soobin to come over. Sex always relaxed him and took his mind off all the work he still had to put into his practices.


this is kinda short choorry :(

next update will be soon ;)

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