part 3

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"I wonder how much more you can take," Yeonjun says laughing as if it's just those two in the club and they don't have an image to maintain.

Soobin felt offended; a sudden rush to prove to Yeonjun that he has much more alcohol tolerance seeps through him. His gaze gets braver as he takes more shots to down and chugs them without a thought in his mind.

"Aww, aren't you getting braver?" Yeonjun defies him after he so frantically tries to match the number of shots.

"I hate you fucking much Choi Yeonjun. If only I knew I would ever cross paths with you again," his voice sinks so low laced with so much contempt.

"Even you had the chance to be on stage and considering I had better chances than you made it so easy for me," there it is again, Yeonjun belittling him. Soobin hated how he could never talk against it. He knows Yeonjun deserved it more. He already told himself that he wasn't any better than the other male even back then. But when Yeonjun told that to his face, he felt miserable. Was he that worthless to stay in the band?

"So does that mean you debuted only to defeat me? Is that what your motivation was?"

"Oh yeah, it just keeps me going and I am thrilled with it," Yeonjun says and it makes Soobin want to punch him right in the face.

But instead, he just stared at him. He stared with so much distaste for the man in front of him. Yeonjun could tell that he was making Soobin's patience run thin; he also noticed how his flared eyes only made him look hot. He also then notices Soobin's sharp jawline, the lips shining against the flicker of all the lights, and his eyes just stay there. Maybe they could resolve this tension in another way.

Unintentionally Yeonjun runs his tongue over his lips as his eyes are still fixed on Soobin. Suddenly he turns around, making his way out of the bar area.

Soobin looked at him with shocked eyes, not understanding the older's thoughts. Was he going to just leave their conversation open? Was he that drunk? But he could just let Yeonjun go away after throwing such an insult.

Soobin hurried back following Yeonjun and grabbed his arm, pushing him towards a wall. They were out by now and there was no one seen in the vicinity anyway.

"Where do you think you can run off to? We were in the middle of a conversation," Soobin says, his figure a bit wobbly, but his hands strong enough to hold his arm and push him against the wall of the private area.

Yeonjun moved his eyes from Soobin's hands to his eyes. It was just dark, capturing, filled with lust.

"We can talk to somewhere else and finish it there," Yeonjun says, the desire leaching out in his voice. Soobin's heart thrums at the thought of it, but he says nothing. He wasn't dumb to not understand what Yeonjun meant.

Yeonjun walked and Soobin followed to wherever the older took him. They got in different cars and Soobin's just followed Yeonjun's.

At this point, they both forget where they stand relationship-wise, that they are enemies. Yeonjun despised him, he loathed Yeonjun. But he couldn't deny the way Yeonjun looked. Neither could Yeonjun forget the way Soobin looked. Just inviting, enchanting, having them both tensed and intoxicated. They were drawn to each other nevertheless.

Yeonjun's get down and soon Soobin does too. They both exactly know how the night is going to end, and they both couldn't exactly wait for it.

"We're here," Yeonjun says stepping out of the elevator, and soon swiping the keycard body shaky, but hands half-stable.

Soobin enters, still out of words, not believing what he was doing. He was just too much intoxicated. The shots or Yeonjun? He doesn't know.

"Cat got your tongue?" Yeonjun asks after waiting for Soobin to talk, but not hearing anything back.

"I just can't believe I followed you all the way here."

"It's clear why we both are here, right after drinking so much."

"Are you sure about this Yeonjun?" Soobin is suddenly cautious. This could change a lot of things between them and he doesn't want to risk it. But decides to change the mood anyway. "You really that desperate to hook up with someone you hate the most?"

"Anything to get a bomb after-party sex," he says eyeing Soobin from top to bottom, "also never got to fuck someone I hate, got to experience something new," he continues, a grin all along.

"Why would you bring me then?"

"I could have bought anyone here dumbass, you were just hot and also easy to bring," he says walking towards the kitchen to grab water for both of them.

"So you find me hot?" Soobin chortles catching the bottle Yeonjun threw at him.

"Whatever, you are just ruining the mood," Yeonjun says, throwing the empty bottle away " and as if I wasn't on your desire list back then," he continued; swiftly taking off his shirt, walking towards the bedroom.

"Right, back then," he slowly chuckles; and then follows him into the bedroom. "Now that you have become bitchy, I least care." If only he knew.

"Yeah, whatever rides your boat," Yeonjun says unbuckling his pants as he falls onto the bed.

Soobin scoffed and then takes off his shirt too, discarding it on the floor. "I am too drunk to even argue with a menace like you," he says, stumbling from the door to the bed frame. He stills for a second and gapes. No way; Yeonjun was just gorgeous. It took a moment for Soobin to realize, Yeonjun, the Choi Yeonjun was before him, naked, anticipating for him. His honey-like skin was so much soft and innocent that he felt the need to ruin it.

"What are you waiting for?" Yeonjun questions already opening his legs wide.

He soon shook his head and got rid of his pants as well, getting on the bed.  He grabbed Yeonjun's ankles and moved his body towards his, positioning their bodies the right way. "You are just so spoiled and demanding," Soobin says leaning down to do some foreplay before they went to it.

"Stop wasting time and prep me already," Yeonjun says and his breath hitched when he feels a bite in his neck. He could feel his skin burn, pretty sure it was going to make marks later on, neither cared.

"My pleasure," he says, again biting a little right next to the before one.


stopping here before this gets too steammyy 😹

hope u liked this update! see you loves! <3

love you! 🐾❤

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