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"Alex get back inside-" I said. "But I can't just leave you two fighti-"

"I said go! I can handle this." Alex hesitates, he looks at both of us before walking away. I turn back to James. "I didn't ruined anything. I told you she's the one who's hitting on me, you even caught her on top of me."

"That's because you were blackmailing her. She told me herself she said that you have a friend that she met before and that you have a file about her that you can use to expose her." James holds onto the door, trying to support his balance.

"I don't care about her past. I would still love her even if she is a stripper or used to be a fake fiancé for some guy. But it had to be you-" James chuckles bitterly.

"Of course it had to be you... and let me guess (y/n) too? Come on, are you that jealous of me that I get beautiful girls and you don't?"

I felt my eyes twitch. I grab him by the collar and shove him against the car. "I can pull girls like you, even better-"

"If you can then where is she?" James raises his eyebrow. "Instead of going out and pull girls like you said, you decided to mess with mine... Anna for example. I know you had a thing for her and since you can't have her you forced her to break up with me."

"Face it Oliver, you can't do it. You're a fucking coward to introduce yourself to a girl." He laughs at me.

"You laugh now, go on enjoy every bit of it." I let go of his collar and stood back. "If I were you I would make up with (y/n) asap." I whispered. His eyebrows knitted.

"Now get in, mum's gonna get pissed at us."

Third Person

After the heated argument of the two brothers, they made it back home without ripping each other's necks. Susan carries James by the arm and brought him inside, Oliver went straight upstairs without saying a word. James slams down on the couch groaning from dizziness, effect of the alcohol.

"You boys and drinking." Susan sighs. "I'll get you some fresh clothes to change into and make you some soup so you won't get hangover tomorrow." Susan says and heads upstairs. James tries to remove his coat and shoes ad tossed them on the floor.

He slowly lays down on the couch, vision spinning. "(y/n)." He whispers. "(y/n)... (y/n)." He couldn't keep his eyes open anymore and fell asleep.

Oliver paces back and fourth in his room thinking of what James told him about Anna. He suddenly punches his cabinet from anger, pausing for a moment. "Fuck." He curses under his breath.

His hand pulses with pain but that didn't stop him from punching it over and over again until all of his anger turned into exhaustion. Oliver stumbles back and sat on his bed, he looks down on his hand covered in blood and dark bruises.

He remembers his conversation with Anna.


"You might wanna sit down on for this one." Anna glares at me as she makes her way to the bench.

"Now spill." I threw the butt of the cigarette and crush it on the ground. "James still has feelings for you, I can tell."

She scoffs. "Really, and you think I'll believe that after what I did to him that you FORCED me to do? You're crazy Oliver." I dig inside the pocket of my coat and tossed her few unopened envelopes.

"What is this?" She asks, looking at them. "Letters that he wrote for you, but never sent them." I replied.

"Why are you giving these to me? I know for a fact you're doing this because you want something in return." She looks up to me, eyes piercing.

I took a deep breath and exhaled. "If you help me get (y/n) then you can have James back." I said without hesitation, her yes widens. "(y/n)? You mean James's girlfriend? B-but why, why ruin your brother's relationship again?" She stood up. "You're heartless Oliver, fucking heartless. Destroying your own brother's life." She walks closer to me and stopped.

"Why can't you just find yourself a woman of your own instead of stealing someone else's, huh?" I grab her by the jaw tightly, pulling her face closer to mine. "You still love James right?"

"If you want him back then you'll help me. No questions asked." She lets out a whimper. "Now, since the wedding is already next week we have a lot of time to make the plan work. Now, Its your choice if you'll accept or not." I feel my phone vibrate, with my other hand I reach down my pocket and answer it.

"Yeah? Alright I'll be there quick." I replied and hang up. I look at Anna las time before letting her go. "The deal." I said and walk back in, leaving her behind.

"Sorry if I made you wait lo- are you okay?" I look beside me and saw (y/n) who's sobbing quietly. "Why are you crying?"

"You're right- I hate to admit it b-but you're right, something mi-might happened." (y/n) turns away from the crowd and cried even harder.

I stood in front of her covering her, gently rubbing her back then she turns around and hugged me.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to say it that way." I say apologizing from earlier and rests my chin on her head.

"No no you're right, you're right." She pulls away. "I just want this to get over with so we can go home." I pull my handkerchief and offered it to her.

"Come on, they might be waiting for us." My hand rests on her lower back as we walk towards the entrance.

𝐓 𝐖 𝐈 𝐍 | 𝐎𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 & 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐬Where stories live. Discover now