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3 months later...

(y/n)'s belly is now about the size of a child's ball, her worries about her boyfriend's mysterious doings has faded because of the growing angel inside her. It was all she could think of, (y/n) and James moved to another location; much peaceful and quieter.

She didn't mind it at all as long as their baby will be born and raised with love and care. (y/n) was still scared of the idea of becoming a mother since its her first time, but she swore to herself that she will do everything and anything to be a good mother.

"Hey (y/n), I'll be leaving for a while to do some errands." James says whilst putting on his coat. (y/n) appears from the kitchen wiping her hands.

"Please come home before sundown, you know I still get scared being alone especially in this new house." She sighs. James approaches her and kissed her forehead.

"I will, you can always call me if you need something, alright?"
"Yeah. Drive safely, Jamie."
"I will, I love you."
"Love you too."

James walks out of their house and hops in his car, (y/n) stood next to the door and watched her boyfriend drive away. She goes back to the house and continues to make their dinner for later.

Hours have past and it was almost dark outside, James hasn't returned yet as he promised which made (y/n) worried. She decided to watch t.v to keep her mind occupied and less stress, her doctor told her that any negative vibes she feels can affect the baby so she tries her best to be calm and collected.

A smile appears on her lips while rubbing her belly, she looks down at it and thinks about its gender and what it would look like. All of her thoughts was interrupted when the phone rang.

"Hello?" She answered.
"Is this (y/n)?" The familiar voice asked.
"Yes, who is this?"
"It doesn't matter for now but please don't hang up the phone, I have something to tell you."
(y/n) felt a bit uneasy but listened to the caller. "Fine, just get to the point."
"The guy you're with isn't actually James."
"What? Wait - who are you exactly and what the hell are you saying?"
"He's not really James, he's pretending to be me..."
"I'm the real Ja-"

The call was cut off when (y/n) heard a car pull in the driveway.

"Listen whoever you are, I don't know what kind of drugs you are in but please stop calling me and stop bothering me." With that she hung up the phone.

"Hey, you alright?" James asks as he enters the house.
"Yeah, just got a weird call from a random number." (y/n) exhales deeply and hugs James.
"What did they say?" He asked.
"He keeps saying that you're not you and that you're pretending to be someone."
James stares at her for a moment. "Do you believe that?"
"Believe what?"
"What he said. Do you think I'm pretending to be someone?"
(y/n) was having second thought if she wanted to tell the truth or not. "To be honest with you I don't know, but I hope not otherwise I'll be raising this child alone then."
"Hm. Alright then." He simply replied and walked passed her.

(y/n) felt the familiar dip in her stomach, no, it wasn't the baby's kick, it was the same gut feeling she had before they moved. Her mind is once again being consumed with the unanswered questions as she rubs her belly, trying to not affect her baby with the bad feeling she has in her chest.

She looks down and smiled. "I'm sorry if you ever feel what mommy's feeling right now. You know that I would never let anything bad happened to you." She whispers softly. "I promise once you're born I'll take you away from this place."

(y/n) looks up and looks forward, her eyes lands on James's back. "Away from him."

That night, (y/n) didn't slept. She stares at the blank ceiling while arguing with the voice in her head.

[note: text like this is (y/n) talking, while text like this is (y/n)'s inside voice/conscience talking.]

"You're doing it again, (y/n)."
"Shut up. You're not helping."
"Yeah, its not like overthinking this would make it any better."
"And you talking back isn't helping me."
"Well its not my fault now, is it?"
"God you're really annoying."
"Now you know how James feels."
"Shut the fuck up! And I don't even think this is James we're talking about."
"What do you mean? If its not James then why are you with him?"

(y/n) felt the bed dip breaking her small talk with herself, she looks at her left checking James. His bare back is now facing her and she releases a deep exhale.

"I told you a million times, I don't know if this is THE James that I love or not. I had the same gut feeling again."
"Hm... well everyone knows a gut feeling is always true, especially if a woman gets one."
"Yeah, but... I don't wanna accuse him again, the last time that happened it was scary and- I don't know."


"Fuck!" James curses as he slams the phone down. "Why won't you believe me?" He whispers to himself while his head is down trying to calm himself.

"Did you call her?" His mother appeared from the living room, she looks at her son with worried eyes. James exhales deeply and stood up, he turns his head to her with red eyes.

"I did." He answers softly.
"That's good news, sweetheart. What did she say?" She asked with a hint of hope in her tone.
"She didn't believe me and told me not to bother her again and ended the call." James walked past her and sat down on the couch. He rests his head against the couch and closed his eyes.

His mother stood there staring at him, she have been helping James since the day they found out but everytime James gets a chance close to (y/n) he gets to return back to step one. She didn't want to see her son go through so much pain and suffer for this long.

She walks over to the phone and called the number again hoping (y/n) would answer it.

"Hello?" A feminine voice asks.
"(y/n), sweetheart?" She ask with slight shock.
"Susan? Oh my god! Its so nice to hear from you, how are you?"
"I'm doing just fine sweetheart, listen, I called because I want to ask your new address so I could visit you and James." Susan looks over her shoulder, James is sleeping peacefully.
"I also want to check up on you and the baby, you know, me being a grandmother soon."
"Of course I would love that! Do you have a pen with you so you can write it down?"

After the short conversation with (y/n) Susan kept the piece of paper with the address in her pocket and came in the living room. She grabs the blanket and wraps it around the sleeping James, she caresses the hair of her son.

"You've already done so much, Jamie. Seeing that you really love (y/n) you really went through everything.. let me make this next move easy for you." She says enough for James to shift in his place comfortably.

Hey everyone!! Don't think I've abandoned you and never continue this book, I would like to thank everyone who waited patiently even though it takes me months before I could publish... few more chapters and this book is complete.

- Aya xx

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