The Return

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WARNING: fighting, death, blood, guns.
[Inspired by The Peaky Blinders S04E06. Notes at the end.]

As the fight between Goliath and Bonnie continues, men screaming and cheering at their champion hoping that the person they bet on wins. The older brother's mind, Oliver, was elsewhere.

Men who are suspiciously standing at the other side of the ring caught his attention, he and his younger brother James have made sure that every single men have been searched and made sure they are good before entering the room.

One of the men walked away and disappeared within the crowed. Oliver couldn't help but wonder who this man is and what is his true intensions are.

"Oliver leave it!" James screams as his brother stands up and starts to walk away.
"Where the hell is he going?" Oliver whispers to himself while his eyes are locked on the man.
"Just stay and watch the fight, ey? Oliver come here!" James calls him but he refuses to listen.
"Let me do my fucking job!" Oliver replies and follows the man.

James didin't bother to follow, he just let his brother be and stay at to watch the fight instead.

Oliver walks down the narrow hallway, his footsteps and his heavy breathing echoes the white tiled walls, he stops at his tracks and pulls out his gun, preparing himself for whatever might attack him. He carefully makes his way in one of the bathroom, checking every corner for traps and such.

Back at the match, James felt uneasy, his mind wanders to his older brother who still hasn't return. The other man who looked suspicious also walked away getting James's attention, so he decided to check up on Oliver, the match was his least of his problems.

Oliver goes deeper into the quiet bathroom, as he enters the showers the man he was looking for appears behind him holding a wire and attacks Oliver with it.

Oliver tries to pull away the wire with his hand but the man has stronger grip making the wire slicing through his trapped fingers, blood spilling quickly like waterfall.

He tried to point the gun at the man but couldn't, the gun went off and he lets go of it. "You... fucking bastard!" Oliver choked.

He tries his best to get away but the more he fights the tighter the wire gets, slowly Oliver felt weak from lack of oxygen and blood loss, he stubles back and leans against his killer before hitting the cold floor.

The gun shot alerted James, he pulls his gun from the holister and points it in front of him. The man succeeded at his task, he picks up Oliver's gun and points it at the dead man, as he cocks the gun he was shot dead on the floor first.

"Oliver!" James rushes to his brother's side. He lifts him up and checks his pulse, he couldn't think straight as his breath shakes.

The match continues and James appears back and went straight to the ring pointing his gun up in the air and fires it few times.

"Close the doors! No one fucking leaves!" James screams and fires the gun again. The whole room went silent and everyone is on the ground. "My brother is dead... you hear me?! My brother is dead!" James walks around the ring fighting the urge to make things worse.

He crouches down on the floor and closes his eyes, his uncle came up to the ring and tries to hug him but James fights back and tries to point the gun but as soon as he realizes he let his uncle calm him down and rests his head on his shoulder.

James sits in his office, a lit cigarette between his fingers and a glass of whiskey on his table. He stares at the glass with mind full of thoughts, he didn't know what to feel, what to say or react.

His secretary comes barging in cutting him off his thinking. "Haven't you heard of a knock?" He says annoyed.

"Where have you been?" She asks temper in her tone and sat down. "How come you haven't visit me in the new home?"
"I've been busy." He simply replies and smokes his cigarette.
"Busy with what?"
"Busy with the Changretta's. Preparing. They're planning on taking everything, including the Phelps Company Limited."
She felt her stomach drop while staring at the man. James takes his glass and downs the whiskey.
"What are we gonna do then?" She asks softly.
He leans back to his chair and breaths out the smoke in the air. "Let them have it."

The next day James and his nephew waited at his gin factory, he walks over to a table with crates of gin that he created waiting to be shipped.

"Mr. Phelps." Luca greeted as he enters the room with his armmed men. A table is set in the middle of the room, both men on either side. "I don't have all day so we'll make this quick." He snaps his fingers and summons one of his men.

In the leather bag are stacks of documents and contracts. "I had my lawyers draw up these papers, for you to sign." Luca spreads them across the table. He goes in his coat and brings out a pen.

"And your job is to sign all of these... your bars, restaurants, the company, years of putting them all together will be going to my family." He puts the pen down on the table.

"Now sign." James is unbothered by it, he didn't move on his place and this made Luca pissed.

"I think its better if you sign them on the floor." Luca then throws the papers off the table including the pen. "Sign them on your knees."

James still didn't bother to move, he looks at the papers on the floor and back to him. Luca got impatient, he flips the table away. "Get on your fucking knees and sign."

James clicks his tongue and gets down on his knees. He looks up to Luca and says, "you know, a friend once said, big fucks small."

"You fucking-" Luca is beyond mad and tries to pull his gun out but James quickly got up and tackles him.

The two men fought without any help from the others as it is part of their deal. Luca got an advantage and hits James multiple times with a metal pipe, James got a hold of his arm and pushes him forward his back hitting one of the wodden barrel.

James takes a fistful of his hair and slams the man on the glass bottles, while the two men are busy fighting another man comes in.

James looks over to his left and pulls up Luca to him. "Go on, brother." He says breathless.

Oliver points his gun at Luca's head and fires it, killing the man with his name written on the bullet.

James wipes away the blood from his nose and faces the armmed men. "Tell your boss that our cousin will be doing the signing of papers for the gin distribution." They nod their heads and left without a word spoken.

"Go on, tell your boss what happened here today... all of it." Oliver says to them.

I'm saying this with full honesty... I don't know if I'll be able to continue this book as it is but if I did then it means I have my motivation back. Just like my Fred and George one I fell out of love on continuing to write it or at least don't see continuing it anymore... then again, I'll just eat up my words and would publish something.

Seeing people still read my works until now is a surprise to me despite my lack of activeness. I might turn this book into a oneshot as well if ever I have ideas on writing about the twins, again, if I finish this book as is it means I finished my job and maybe will continue on writing about the twins.

The separate books will also continue only if I have finish writing something, to everyone who has been with me since day one and is still here thank you for your patience and support I really don't know what I would do if my books didn't get any attention it deserves.

If you have any questions regarding the books, requests, etc. feel free to comment on this message.

- Aya xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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