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[This chapter contains MATURE CONTENT. Reader discretion is advised.]


Its been 7 months since we moved to a new house further from his family. I asked him why and he said he wanted to start fresh which I understand because of what happened with Anna and the murder of Felix, the police wasn't able to track down who the killer is, they said that the killer is too smart at hiding.

Also, I didn't want to tell James that sometimes I get weird vibes from him. While we were packing our stuff he was in a rush and changed both of our phone numbers.

Again, I asked him why and he said that he's been getting random texts and calls from an unknown numbers and thought of changing mine as well so it won't happened to me.

I thought about his excuse was somehow fake but I agreed at the end and let him, he's just looking out for the both of us which I find it really sweet.

I'm in the bedroom unpacking some boxes of our clothes and hanging it in our closet, while I was hanging up one of James's jacket a white cloth fell off the pocket.

I picked it up and it smelled like some chemicals, I quickly moved it away and left it in our bathroom counter. When I got out I suddenly felt light headed so I went to the bed and sat down for a bit. My mind started spinning hard while my vision turns blurry then James came in.

"Hey (y/n), do you know where-are you okay?" He comes closer while looking down at me worried.

"Yeah I just suddenly felt light headed when I smell that cloth over there." I pointed towards the bathroom. James went in and came back holding the cloth in his hand. He stares at it blankly then turns to me with a stern look.

"Where did you find this?" His jaw tightens gripping at the white cloth.

"It fell out of the pocket of your jacket while I was putting it up in the closet." My head spins harder so I decided to lay down on the bed. I tried my best keeping my eyes open but I got weaker and weaker until I fell asleep.

My body suddenly jolts up making me wake up. I'm still in the bed but in a different position. My shoes and socks are gone and I'm left in my leggings and shirt.

I slowly got out of the bed still feeling my head spin a bit and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

"Good evening (n/n), feeling better?" James smiles as he wipes his hands on the apron.

"Mhm much better than earlier." I went to the fridge and got my self a glass of water.

"Its a good thing you woke up cause' I finished cooking dinner and I thought of going up and wake you."

"Well I'm here now, thank you James." I pull him close and kissed him.

"You're welcome love." We sat down and began to eat.

"Wow, you've really improved your cooking. This is actually delicious." I beamed happily and took a spoonful of food.

"I'm glad you love it, its a recipe of mine and I thought of cooking it tonight just for you." James lifts his glass and takes a sip.

"I didn't know you had a recipe. Why'd you make it now?"

"I'm full of surprises (n/n), there's still a lot more you don't know about me." James smiles widely as we laugh softly.

Then I noticed his smile, its a bit different from what I remember and his lips has a slight curve now compared before. I continue to study his features when he called my name.

"(y/n) hey, are you okay? Is there something on my face?"

"Its nothing... its just that I noticed your smile- it kinda... change." I say quietly and shrug my shoulder, continuing to eat in peace.

𝐓 𝐖 𝐈 𝐍 | 𝐎𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 & 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐬Where stories live. Discover now