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Once we got home I helped James carry all the grocery bags to the kitchen and hurried my way to our bathroom and lock the door. The adrenaline build up inside made my hands shake.

I can't let him see me looking like this or he'll get suspicious. I sat down the toilet while catching my breath. Whatever the old woman said couldn't leave my mind and it was still playing in my head.

My hand found its way inside my pocket and pull out the white crumpled paper that I picked up earlier.


*picture attached*

Name: (y/n l/n)
Age: 32
Height: 1.65 m
Eyes: (e/c)
Hair: (h/c) (length)

Last seen 8 months ago

If ever seen this person please contact:
James Phelps: 0**********
Susan Phelps: 0**********
(Mother's name) (l/n): 0**********
Telephone number:

"Why the fuck would James or any of them would do this? What the hell?!"

My mind flooded with questions, I don't know if this is some kind of sick joke or not but the numbers are real, it is their phone numbers. If this is a prank then they wouldn't be spreading any of their personal information.

I stumble my way towards the sink supporting myself as I prop my hands on the marble counter. My head started pounding like someone is hitting me with a baseball bat repeatedly.

I turned on the faucet and washed my face, hoping it'll lessen the headache. Then a knock interrupts.

"(y/n), you alright? You were in a hurry earlier when we got back." James's voice softly echoes through the door.

"Y-yeah I just um- I just didn't feel good." I lied on the spot, hoping he would leave me alone.

There was a moment of silence then he spoke. "Do you need medicine? I can go to the pharmacy if you want." He asks.

I thought for a moment, I stared at myself in the mirror then something caught my eye. "Actually yeah, can you um-can you buy some medicine for my headache? My head is pounding right now." I replied and slowly reach for the mysterious object.

I heard shuffling at the other side of the door. "Anything else?" James asks.

Suddenly my stomach felt weird, I held my mouth but couldn't hold it any longer so I bolted towards the toilet and threw up.

A hand held my hair up and rubbed my back while vomiting my whole stomach out. After minutes of pure torture I instantly fell on James's arms, feeling exhausted and sleepy.

"My poor (y/n). Come on, let's get you to bed to rest." He carefully lifts me up bridal style and lays me on the bed.

"I'll be quick alright? If you need something else just call me." James softly pats my forehead and planted a kiss.

Once he left the room my eyes closed with heaviness and I fell asleep.


Rain started pouring as James was about to go back home. The dark grey clouds roars across the sky, droplets of rain gets heavier and heavier. The drive back home wasn't difficult but he still drove with caution as nighttime sets and roads are barely visible.

He manages to arrive safely, he turned the engine off and run towards the door and came in almost soaking wet.

He takes his wet coat and shoes off and left them beside the door to dry. He wore his slippers and ruffles his hair while coming up the stairs.

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