5 - im so over it

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Ok so ik im rly late but please TechnoSupport !! I hope that cancer fucking knows who its dealing with because Technoblade never dies! But on a serious note, cancer is a serious thing and I'm happy to see that the community is very very supportive. Now onto the writing.

Wilbur and Tommy walked home in silence.

"So... um... how'd you get the job?" Tommy asked, trying to start up a conversation.

"I just wanted to see what it'd be like." Wilbur answered looking down at the floor.

"...And it just so happened to be at my school..?"

"Yup" Wilbur said, popping the 'P'

"kay." The rest of the walk was silent. Just some looks at the trees and scenery.

Lol this is boring TIMESKIPPPPPPP

"Oh hey Wil! Hey Toms! Did you both have a good day?" Tommy walked up to Phil.

"Phil, have you ever read Wilburs application form?"

"... Nope." Tommy sighed.

"Wilbur, you explain." Tommy said, walking upstairs.

"... So Phil, you know how I said I got a job at a school? Aha well that school ended up being Tommys school and I have to teach him for music now haha..." Wilbur said, rubbing his neck.

"... what?" Tommy and Wilbur couldn't keep it in. they burst out laughing. They ended up laughing so much that by after a minute they ended up on the floor. Techno arrived home.

"The hecks happenin here?" He said looking down at his brothers.

"WILBUR- JUST- HE- GOT A JOB AT- MY SCHOOL BAHAHA" Tommy could barely speak. He was slamming his hand on the floor, still dying of laughter. Techno rolled his eyes before going upstairs.


Tommy woke up to see Wilbur with the cereal. Knowing the stubborn little bitch, he groaned.

"Wiiiiillll, can you pass me the cereal?"

"That's Mr. Soot to you, Toms." Wilbur chuckled. Tommy snapped up in disbelief.


Timeskip again because i said so

"Alright class, so first we are going to be taking attendance." Wilbur said grinning. Tommy rolled his eyes, which caught Wilburs attention. This was his chance.

"Ranboo Beloved Ender?"


"Tubbo-Bee Underscore?"


"Purpled Bedwars?"


"Foolish G. Gamers?"

"Im here."

"Sam Nook?" (ok just pretend sam nook and sam are different people and sam nook is younger ok im stupid)

"Mimimimimimi" (lmao)

"Fundy (ok ive literally given up on last names)?"


"Charlie Slimecicle?"


"Hannah Rose Bedwars?"


"Andddddd....... Thomas Minecraft Danger Careful Kraken Soot Innit?" Wilbur said with a gremlin-like smile, looking towards Tommy. Some people chuckled. Tommy once again, rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I'm here Mr. Wilbur Simp Minecraft 'Fucker of Salmons' Soot." Tommy responded, laying back. The class burst into laughter.


"OK SO IN MY DEFENSE THE SALMON WAS HOT '' this time the whole class roared with laughter. You could hear people slamming their fists on the tables over and over again.

"AND ALSO, we have assignments due in a couple weeks. We will be making songs based on our life in groups. Everyone will have one song each, but the groups are so we can help eachother out. In the end, you will collaborate to make one song together. Good luck!" A couple of kids in the class groaned. Wilbur noticed this.

"Nowwwww...... would you like to hear a song?" Wilbur said, picking up his guitar. A bunch of 'Yes's' and 'yays' came from the students. Wilbur started strumming it as everyone watched.

"Life isn't quite what i thought it'd be when i was a kid on VOIP

I thought, when I get older, I'd marry her, I told her," Wilbur started singing. Tommy already knew the song so he decided to wait till the chorus to sing along. While everyone was focused on the music teacher, Tommy sneaked into the back of the class, grabbing his drum sticks. He snuck back into the drumset behind the class.

"Now... She-" Wilbur was cut off by the blonde boy.

"She's In your bed, and I'm in her twitch chat!" Tommy sang, going ham on the drums, hitting every beat.

"I've got the key, and he's just a doormat!" He did the same drum beat again.
"And even though he's got social skills, that doesn't mean I can't pay the bills, anyway make the most of him, cause she moves on pretty bloody quick, oh-woah,

YOUR NEW BOYFRIENDS AN ARSEHOLE! WOO!" Tommy finished. The room filled with laughs and woos. Tommy chuckled as Wilbur began clapping, and soon the whole class.

"That was alright Toms." Wilbur crossing his arms. A few people chuckled. As the class went quiet, he began talking again.

"So, I have made popsicle sticks with everyones name on it, so the teams will be very random. Before you get mad, I did this for a reason. I want all of you to get along better. Anyways, I hope your ideas arent as shitty as my bands. Seriously they wanted to make a song on a shark eating me. My god." Wilbur finished, sitting back down. A few people chuckled.

"Now, I wil be drawing the popsicle sticks. Remember, its all random! So dont complain because I need this money guys." He said, putting his hand inside the box.

"First three... Foolish, Sam, and Purpled." Foolish sighed in relief knowing that it was only Purpled and Sam.

"The next three are Hannah, Fundy, and Charlie." Ranboo paused for a moment. If the Foolish, Sam and Purpled and in a group and Hannah, Fundy, and Charlie are in another, then that would only mean-

"The last three are Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo." Wilbur finished. He grabbed all the popsicle sticks and put them back into the box. The three were internally screaming. In what chances would the three best friends be put together? They were so happy.

I hate this chapter so much its so cringe but i dont wanna start over so eh ok

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