10 - you put me in a heart shaped box

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Guess whose brother almost gave me a concussion!! Mine 😎

"You know those loser kids?" Purpled asked. Basically anyone who didn't know Purpled was considered a loser kid to him. Tubbo ignored him.

"Eyyy, Tobias, long time no see!" Tubbo rolled his eyes.

"Ok Billy-boy." The other two started laughing while the supposed 'Bill" cringed at his given name.

"I- ok. Anyways, what are you doing here at 12 am?" Bill asked. Tubbo shrugged.
"We were bored and 12 is the last stop, so like, why not?" He responds. They go silent for a bit. Then, they saw someone running towards them from a distance. It was Tommy.

"Why did you leave me at the endddddd" Tommy whined before falling flat on the floor.

"Tommy?" one spoke up from behind the two. "We haven't spoken in a while."

"What are you talking about bozos" Purpled asked. They ignored him.

Tommy looked up, staring at the boy for a few seconds.
"... I don't know who you are?"

"I understand, I didn't expect you to, considering my hair." He softly giggled.

"Do you know a certain Badlinu..?" Tommy paused.


"Hey Toms."
The two looked at each other for what seemed like a decade until Purpled spoke up.

"HEY ANSWER ME DUMBASSES WHO ARE YOU GUYS" they burst out laughing.

"I'm Freddy I guess? Me and Tommy were best friends up until middle school and I had to move away."

"Well, I'm Bill, I met bee boy back in middle school when I caught him trying to run away from home. We talked for a bit and I think he forgot where he was going and he went back home."

"And uh, I'm Aimee? But you can call me Aimsey. I met Tubbo when I was exploring the abandoned lands of Bear. I proceeded to smack him with Adventure Time." Everyone was quiet after that, with the sudden coughing and feet shuffling. Ranboo turned to Tubbo and Tommy.

"Wanna show them the creek?" he asked. The two nodded.

"Hey, wanna go somewhere cool?" Tommy asked all of them.

"You see I want to trust you, but last time you said that we almost burned down the school.." Freddy nervously laughed.

"I promise you this time though,, we aren't gonna get in trouble." Tommy assured.

"Last time my parents were called and they're scaryyyyy" just then Tommy sighed and cracked his fingers.

"Oh no..." Tubbo whispered.

"IS HE GONNA PUNCH ME?!" Freddy whisper yelled.

"No, your fate is even worse..." Ranboo sighed. Tommy stretched for a bit, cracking his neck before,

"Please Freddy? For me? 🥺🥺🥺👉👈"

And that's how they all ended up running away from geese at 2 am.

Time skip brought to you by my non-existent will to live

They all slept on the floor of Purpleds room. Purpled, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Freddy, Billzo, and Aimsey all looked half passed out as pink monster cans were scattered all over the floor. Ranboo was the first to wake up. Checking the time, it was thirty minutes before school started. What was even worse though, from Purpleds house to school was thirty minutes. On top of that, they shared the same class for the first period. English class with Mrs. Walker, who was always strict about coming to school on time
"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP" Ranboo shoved everyone awake.

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