(A/N 6)

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tw: mentions of d3ath

incase you havent heard yet; i dont really want to go too in depth about it but you can just watch the video linked.

i dont really know how to feel. he was an important influence on me and so many others. i really cant say much because im on low data right now in the car. this feels like a nightmare i cant seem to wake up from. inside im just hoping this was a joke and tomorrow he tweets "NOT EVEN CLOSE, BABY TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES," but i know he isnt the type to joke about this. i usually would make jokes during the darkest of times, but i cant do it now. im literally tearing up in the car and im trying not to bawl my eyes out because my mother is literally right in front of me.

idk what to do guys, techno was a big part of this storyline and so many other aus i have. i dont want to completely just cut him off but i dont know if i should keep going with the so yeah. im not trying to make light of the situation using my own fanfic, but im just genuinely upset and i dont know what to do. should i just completely stop this whole thing???? i guess in the end, technoblade does die. 

rest easy king 💗💗💗

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