13 - now every songs about you in my mind

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        THE BUTTOCKS TRIO GC (Tomathy named this)



there's an emergency



r u ok

Tomathy the Great and Awesome and Handsome and Great



i can't explain rn but

can you guys come to the local hospital

Tomathy the Great and Awesome and Handsome and Great


u good

did something happen



not to me


yeah something happened

pls just come


will do


toms y is my name this

Tommy turned off his phone and grabbed his backpack. He shoved in his phone, wallet and basically just essentials before running down stairs.

"Dadza, can I go to the hospital quickly? It's an emergency." Tommy panted.

"Why? Did something happen?"
"I don't know, Ranboo just asked me to come."
"Oh. Well, curfew is 9, be back by then okay?" Tommy gave a thumbs up before tugging on his shoes and running out the door. He knew the hospital was only a few minutes away from school, so he went to school then took a turn left. It took around 20 minutes in total but by then he met up with Tubbo at the front.

"Tommy! There you are, come on we gotta go." Tubbo said, grabbing Tommys wrist and dragging him inside the hospital. Putting aside their previous argument, they had to put their differences aside to help a friend in need. Tommy hadnt been in the hospital for years. It brings back memories, good and bad ones. His first vaccine was taken in the very same building. The smell of medicine never left the white walls. The elevator ride up was quite awkward. Quiet feet shuffling and whistling.

"I remember getting my first vaccine here."

"I remember getting my first vaccine here. My poor mother had to try to keep me on a chair while I wailed and screamed."

"I got my vaccine here, too. I remember Patricia having to keep me on the chair as well."
"Tommy, who's Patricia?" Before Tommy could answer, the elevator door rang. Tommy could only mentally thank the elevator. Upon arriving at the 8th floor, they found a teared up Ranboo talking to a nurse.

"I don't understand..." He murmured. As soon as the nurse left, the two ran over.

"Ranboo! Are you okay?" Tubbo said, giving him a quick hug. Tommy ran over and did the same.

"My father... He died this morning." Ranboo explained. His face was pale and puffy.

"I don't understand Ran- Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Tommy asked.

"Toms if im on the verge of breaking down is it a good thing or a bad thing"
"Oh. My condolences."

"Okay, well, slow down first. How did he... Die." Tubbo asked.

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