(A/N 4)

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ok so i have more dream team fanfics that im gonna write so ye this is still gonna be my first priority but its not gonna take up all of my time. thanks.

aaaaaaaanywayss..... my new upcoming dream team fanfic!! (also takes place in SMP Academy btw haha)

Dream POV

"Bye im going to school!" I shouted. No answer. I guess they were both drunk off their asses last night. Makes sense I guess. I was glad to be out of the house, even just for a few seconds. The smell of cigarettes and alcohol never left the walls of the small apartment building. Most people hate school but to me, school is a personal escape route. Besides, I'm popular amongst my school. I have a bunch of friends there. And most things that make people hate normal schools aren't there. First off, school starts at 10:00 and ends at 15:00 (3 pm). Only 5 hours! Second, the uniform is literally non-existent. So is the dress code. Ive seen girls walk into school with fucking sports bras! And lastly, every teacher except for Mrs Walker is the best! Speaking of which, Mrs Walker is my teacher for the first period. Great.


George POV

"I'm off to school now, bye!" I said as I walked out of the house. "Bye George!"

As soon as they shut the door, I washed out my smile. I always try to act positive about school around my parents, but the truth is that school is just a fucking waste of time. Sure it's 5 hours, but school neglects the fact that people are getting bullied every day. It's only Wednesday and I can't count how many times my head has been slammed against a locker door. Nor can I count the times I've been shoved on the ground, pushed into cafeteria trays, and just being straight up punched. But recently, they've started to leave me. Of course not fully, but it's been getting less stressful. I'd only been shoved into a locker twice last week. Not that that's good, but it's getting better. It was mainly the football team who does it, but ever since a couple of weeks ago, it's only been random people i don't know. Strange.


Sapnap POV

"Bye mom!" I yelled. "Bye Stella!" was all I heard when I left the house. Stella left 3 minutes ago. But it's always mom's first intention to say bye to Stella. Always fucking Stella. Did Stella do anything wrong to me? Of course not. But mom never hid the fact that Stella was her favorite. If I get 100 on a test, I get a "Good job Nick" but when Stella gets 40, it's always "Oh don't worry, let's go get ice cream to cheer you up!" And it's not even the fact that she's older or younger! We are literal twins! I can't wait till I move out of the house and never see Stella again. I mean, who would wanna live with a person who uses band aids as an aesthetic? I sighed as I brushed off the topic and walked into SMP Academy.

aight more later

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