incorrect quotes 2 (filler chapter)

67 4 3

A/N: ok i stole most of these from other fanfics/tweets/pinterest comments etc except i kinda forgot who they came from so 

Incorrect quote 1

Tommy: I really like Eminem.

Ranboo: I prefer Skittles.

Tubbo: He is talking about the rapper.

Ranboo: Why would he eat the wrapper?

Incorrect quote 2

Tommy: Hello all, it is I, your favourite person.

Tubbo: Actually, Ranboos my favourite person.

Tommy: Okay then. It is I, that bitch.

Incorrect quote 3

Tubbo: Favourite horror movie?

Tommy: It

Purpled: Annabelle

Ranboo: High School Musical. After watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the whole school would start singing something and I'd be the only one who didn't know the lyrics.

Incorrect quote 4

Purpled: Are you spiderman uwu cuz ur dad is far from home 🥰🥰🥰🥰

Incorrect quote 5

Ranboo: im dead 💀(i'm not actually dead, it's a metaphor indicating that im laughing so much im losing oxygen which could eventually lead to death)

Incorrect quote 6

Tubbo: do not thank me, thank yourself for i am the one that teaches of the light, but you are the one who fights off the dark

Tommy: that is the deepest thing i heard a capybara say

Incorrect quote 7

Tommy: can you two be homosexuals elsewhere?

Incorrect quote 8

Dream: Did he just call us liberals?

George: Whats a liberal?

Incorrect quote 9

Tubbo: guys give me your best pickup lines

Ranboo: Damn r u https bc without u im just :/

Tubbo: Okay that's good! Tommy?

Tommy: r u a fart cuz u blew me away

Tubbo: Okay we're done here

Incorrect quote 10

Random person on twitter: he broke me and i don't forgive him.

Tommy replying: girl who i aint the akinator

Incorrect quote 11

Purpled: Listen i have a life okay

Ranboo: Dont lie.

Purpled: Okay i admit i lied

Incorrect quote 12

Tommy: I had a dream where Sapnap beat me up with a skateboard because i did a kickflip wrong

Incorrect quote 13

Tommy: I don't like deodorant it smells like a factory

Deo: You're gonna smell like a factory if you don't use deodorant

Incorrect quote 14

Tubbo: when life gives you melons, you could be dyslexic.

Incorrect quote 15

Random girl: are you cooking? I like a guy who can cook~

Ranboo: So do I.

3, 2, 1, go!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora