Find HER

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BETA DERREK!!!! Yelled Alpha Liam through the mind link.

"Yes Alpha" Derrek replies, "call a meeting with the scouts" I'm tired of waiting for Lev to reply. I've read this note over and over and I understand, but a bloody fucking note, she couldn't even tell me face to fucking face. "Alpha, the scouts will arrive tomorrow morning around 8:00am" derrek said.

*growl* good, we need to make sure she is safe. I decided to try and reach out to Lev one more time this time more forceful.

"LEVANA ROSE, HOW DARE YOU IGNORE YOUR ALPHA, ANSWER ME DAMMIT" I wait and wait until finally she answers annoyed. "Uncle Liam, I told you to not contact me, why can't you just LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE" *SMASH* I broke my desk how dare she swear towards me, he damn ALPHA!! " I am your Alpha DONT YOU DARE EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!! I understand why you did this, but face to face you should of done this face to face, not through a note, it's been over a month with no communications, you want to do this fine under some fucking conditions" I growled.

"you must tell me where you are and keep in contact at least once a week so I know you are safe, that is my job as your Alpha and I want to do it for your father! I'm glad you took money, but I need to know if it's enough or if you need more if you are in a place a good place and have you shifted!" I could hear her though the link that she wasn't happy but she finally agreed saying " I am in Arizona, I got a place for a decent price near the woods, I met my wolf sorta, her name is Onxy, I have not shifted, and yes I have enough money"

Lev meeting her wolf is amazing news but worrisome that she hasn't shifted since she is 17. I am glad she has agreed to these rules and I can keep her safe. "Good, you better keep your promise or I will come and find you myself" I stated but I was already working on a plan to send a scout that she hasn't met yet to keep tabs on her. Just because I don't know if she is telling the truth and with her differences I wanna be on the safe side.

I heard through the link one last thing from lev and that was her saying goodnight that she's sorry and that she loves and misses me, but she had to do this for herself to heal. Goodnight to you to lev.


It is now 8 in the morning and I'm discussing what I want to do, they all seem on board so I talk to Sara about going to keep tabs on Lev, I told her she has to find her and that she is somewhere in Arizona, lev would Trust her better since she has never met her and she is a girl. I reminded to not bring up her parents except to ask why she is on her own and what happened if she answers. I told Sara to leave by the evening and that was that.

Soon I will be getting tabs on Lev and I will be keeping my promise to her father in keeping his baby girl safe, since we don't know what type of powers she and her wolf may have within her.

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