Cuba (i though was Venezuela)

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Hola Maria
So you're from Cuba, that is awesome.  I have been to Cuba many times as a kid and adult.   How is your nation doing, I am very much the same with you want to come some music if I like it I'll listen to it if I don't like it I won't listen to it or block it out. I like techno, goth, metal, rock, industrial and north American indigenous music as well as some world music, particularly India and China.   I also listen to the Tibetan music which is like singing bowls which is very interesting to me, and calming.   How is the nature in your country nature like plants and animals.
How was the stargazing in Cuba the last time when I was a kid it was spectacular sight to see the big dipper even though I wasn't in Canada. And I was able to identify north and Florida and the United States all on my own without the aid of school. I had many good times in Cuba.
Hope to hear from you soon

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