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Hello June

How are you doing

I'm doing fine thank you thank you for asking I just write letters to fictitious people and then right and then consolidate them into a book called Adam epistolarian novel. So that's what I do and it takes a very short amount of time because I have a Square Tile imagination and I'm able to think things through and is based off my life.  Usually either ebooks but they end up becoming other stuff when I compiled all six or nine bucks into one book for a paperback or a hardcover and then go from there. It takes more longer to compile all six books to of this series then it will to make the book individually. I'm sorry if I called you a nerd I didn't mean that in a bad way I meant that in a complimentary way.

I am very interested in Magic the Gathering I've tried Yu-Gi-Oh but Yu-Gi-Oh wasn't really my thing Magic the Gathering is more lies than cuz I'm a big nerd. I like some RPG games on my iPad and I like certain mythical stuff is science fiction and horror those are the things I like. But then again I'm also very spiritual and very kind and careful but I'm very impatient at times except for when I'm writing that I'm patient all the time which makes people wonder if I'm gifted.

I have an idea 196 which is not a laughing matter but that's because why I'm so impatient sometimes because it's like guess the move on type thing I'm very impatient but I'm a very kind and compassionate human being at the same time.

The only subculture that I like is the punk culture it might seem angry but it's not really one of you look but he says there's some really good people that have mohawks or semi Mohawks so they're not that bad. I also wear red lipstick or pink lip gloss from time to time when I feel like it so that's the only funky thing I do other than a semi mohawk.

Hope To hear from you soon 

Your friend


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