Hello lei
How are you doing
My name is Lilly from Ottawa Ontario Canada.  Thank you so much for your letter that was very nice of you. One thing you must know is that I have PTSD and ADHD which I've been diagnosed with so that if I flip out one day you know why.  I am also an artist an author musician and photographer and poet I do mostly writing to help with my PTSD and ADHD is this calms my mind and helps me clear my head out of clutter. I have finished one series of boards to the nine box series and now I'm onto another series of books or six book series of epistolary novel or letter novel.  I am also hoping to write in an epic fantasy based on my choice of magical gathering cards that I picked out from my dad. I'm also hoping that that'll be a success that's called zombie squirrels that's why it's called hands not about brains it's about zombie squirrels as the animal and it's an epic fantasy trilogy that I'm hoping to work on.   I also read some Poetry at times and some memories of the odd time but I also like to do art and photography and do crafts like I'm going to do less and crafts for the winter time hopefully if I can help it and then I can do anything I want with resin. You've probably heard of resin jewellery so you know what I'm talking about. It's very interesting what you can put in resin.
I am interested in also palmistry, dream division and also tarot and oracle cards as well as anything spiritual or to have a divination wise. It's very interesting to know what the spirit world has to offer so I read books on it if I can find book on there are plenty of books on tarot and someone let me a book on Palmistry and dream divination , I am also intrigued in astrology and shamanic beliefs.  I even got some of my friends involved with the definition and taro and oracle cards.
Hope to hear from you soon

Letters from a crystal hunter | book twoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora