Chapter 5 : Can't keep it in anymore

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Sometimes I wonder if all the pain was actually worth it or not.

Sometimes I wonder if all the pain was actually worth it or not

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Narrator POV

The rain was like an announcement for the upcoming winter.

As the weather was freezing cold within the 4th day

A cup of hot chocolate and a friend to talk to was all someone needs to fight the cold.

And that's exactly what Minyoung and Yeseo were doing right now.

They were seated near the window at a neighborhood café.

Minyoung had something to talk about.

Something that she spent hours thinking about.

Something that she was unsure of.

Something that bugged her for years.

But she was now sure of her answer

"I need help" she said as her hands moved to pick the cup of hot chocolate up. Her lips soon came in contact with the cup as the hot liquid filled her mouth making her feel warm once again.

"Spill" replied her friend.

A sigh left Minyoungs mouths as she didn't know how to reveal this secret of hers.

"I" she paused debating whether she should say the next part or not. "I think I like someone."

Yeseos eyes immediately shot up shocked at her friends sudden confession.

"Omg, yess what's his name or is it a her, I'm so excited my baby's finally growing up. What's their name? how do they look? Are they handsome? Do they go to the same school as you?"

Honestly at this point Yeseo could pass as a rapper as words wouldn't stop coming out of her mouth at an annoying pace.

"Jeez calm down I'll tell you everything." Minyoung stated.

"First of all it's a he, second of all yes he does go to this school-"

She was cut of by an overly excited Yeseo who was basically squealing by now.


"Yeseo I swear if you don't keep your mouth shut untill I finish then I'm not telling you anything." Minyout replied with a calm yet annoyed tone.

Hearing those words leave from her friends mouth Yeseo immediately bought her hands to her lips before acting like she's zipping it up.

Another sigh left Minyoungs lips as she continued.

"His name is Hyunjin."

Please this story is going at such a slow pace but well what do you think.

Secret Admirer~ Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now