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When I awoke, Cu was gone from the room. Breathing in a lung full of cool air, I sat up on the bed and stretched. My body felt good, relaxed, and, most importantly, healthy. It felt nice to be normal again. My memories have returned to me in my dreams, so I have an understanding of how I got here, and what I need to do now. On the subject of dreams, my mind instantly went to that nightmare I'd had the other night. Looking down at the empty bed, I brushed my hand over the spot Cu had slept.

That nightmare was one that had a habit of repeating itself. It wasn't exactly about the events of the dream, those seemed to vary. No, It was about the feeling the dream brought to light. The feeling of an eternity devoid of good. My worst fear, and my unchangeable future. Over the years, I've managed to deal with these bleak emotions in my own ways, but these dreams seemed to shove them into my face, forcing me to acknowledge my dark reality over and over again. At times it can be too hard to bear.

That night, Cu made the unbearable, bearable. When he held me, the pain had started to drift away, allowing his comfort to flow in. I closed my eyes with a sigh, resting my hand on his pillow. I have to leave him.

Getting up from the bed, I walked over the rest of my clothes and put them on. Glancing out the window, I could see the sun. It was sometime late afternoon. Running my fingers through my hair, I combed it up and out of my face, then focused on leaving.

With my hand on the door, I wouldn't open it. I should at least say goodbye, and even thank you. Admittedly, I'd been a real ass, even though I've loved everything he's done for me. Especially with that nightmare... But, If I stay, it'll be even harder for me to leave. Sighing, I thucked my head against the door. Of course my heart has to speak louder than my head. I never left the room.


I rode back to the inn a little early today, before the evening managed to hit. Both wanting Emiya to be awake, and dreading it, I dragged myself up the stairs to my room. Upon opening the door, I stood there dumbly staring at Emiya.

He was leaned against the wall, straightening up once he saw me. Fully clothed now, his hair was spiked up, instead of loose and hanging. It surprised me how much the style of his hair managed to change his appearance. At first glance, I honestly didn't recognize him for a moment. There were other differences as well. His eyes were hard and empty, and posture solid. Everything about him looked rock hard, unwavering to life. It was strange and foriegn, considering that this was the same man that was crying sick in my arms just the other night. These past few days, his eyes had been full of emotion, whether it be anger, sadness, embarrassment, or admiration. But now they were just blank, and I didn't like it. Hmm... must have regained his mask as well as his health. Yet another challenge that Emiya has unknowingly offered me.

"Finally decided to wake up, I see."

Emiya turned his back to me looking out the window. "How long was I out?"

I walked into the room, "Not too long," then I glanced around. "You were asleep for about a day and a half." I noticed the bed was made, without a wrinkle left. The few objects in the room straighten. Even the dust on the surfaces had been wiped away. Did he... clean? I couldn't help but give a small laugh at his actions. Emiya glanced over his shoulder at me, then focused back out the window, arms crossed.

"As you may have noticed, my strength has returned to me," I stood a few feet behind him, knowing where this was going. "That means it's time for me to leave." For the moment, I stayed quiet, letting him speak, and letting me think up a reason for him to stay. "My memories came back, and I have to go find a way to get back to where I came from. But before I left... I wanted to say thank you. I was serious about calling myself an asshole, and I want you to know that I really have been thankful." He went silent, just standing there. Then he turned to me, face fully composed. "Good bye, Cu." I saw some sadness swirl in those gray eyes as he spoke the name only he had for me.

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