A Meal and a Drink

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It began to worry me when I couldn't find Emiya in the inn. Maybe he just went for a walk. I mean, I wouldn't blame him. Using this logic, my attempt to calm myself down eased the worry on my stomach a little, but not by much. What if I really scared him away this time... Shaking my head rapidly, I picked up my mug of ale and chugged the rest down. Emiya wouldn't leave... well not without saying goodbye... most likely. Growling at the empty mug, I got myself another one.

After that second beer, my worry nerves died down, but I wasn't in any mood to interact with the natives. Instead, I sat in a large chair, staring into the fire, and brushing a finger over my knuckles.

Soon my eyes began to drop, and I felt myself drift off. Abruptly, I opened my eyes, unsure if I'd been asleep for seconds or minutes. Well, I was obviously tired, and headed up to my room. I stopped at Emiya's door in the hallway. Maybe he was back now. Opening the door, I almost expected the room to be empty, but Emiya was there, bent down putting a log on the fire. When his eyes met mine, they darkened. He stood up, sweeping off his hands.

"What do you want, Cu?" Emiya was obviously still angry with me.

"You weren't here when I got back."

"Is it necessary for you to know where I am at all times?"


"Then I don't see a problem."

I sighed and turned my head to the side. "Well, don't hate me for worrying."

"Cu, you don't have to worry about me, I made a deal with you and I don't intend to break it." His words were hard as ever, but I could tell they were intended to comfort, and in a way, they did. "Now, goodnight Cu." Emiya walked over and pulled the covers down. When there was no click of the door, he looked over at me. "I'd like to get some sleep if you don't mind."

"Right..." Still, I remained leaned against the door frame, scuffing my foot on the ground, staring down. Emiya's feet came into view; they were bare.


". . .Yes?" My eyes ascended him, lingering a moment on his bare folded arms, (his red jacket was off) before landing on his face. One white eyebrow was raised, and his lips were turned slightly down into an annoyed frown.

"Leave. Now."

There was a moment of silence before I gave an exasperated sigh, "But why, Emiya?" I maneuvered past him, further into the room. "You said, "It's complicated"," I mimicked his deep brooding tone, "But why is it complicated?"

He growled, "First, you pin me down in the street getting all... handsy! Now, you force your way into my room when I'm trying to get some sleep! Honestly, can I not get a moment of peace?"

"Is it that draining to be around me?"


"Emiya... you say that it's complicated, but from where I'm standing, it seems fairly simple."

Closing his eyes, he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I know right now you probably view me as a friend, but the truth of the matter is, that in my reality, we're enemies, Cu. We'll always be enemies."

I thought over my response for a moment. "I'll admit, I don't know what your relationship with "me" is like, but that's not the case here and now. So... why does it matter?" Chuckling softly, I stepped closer to him. "I can't help but be drawn to you, Emiya. For some reason, being with you just makes so much sense. You are a necessity that I can't ignore."

Before, he could bring up some excuse to push me away again, before he could react at all, I wrapped my arms around him. Hugging him tight, I tucked my face into his neck. I felt Emiya's arms move around me, hugging me back. He huffed a sigh, and hummed my name. My grip loosening, I relaxed against him. For the first time that week, the anxious feeling in my chest was gone, replaced with his warmth. His fingers stroked along my spine, and wanting to share my delight, I placed a gentle kiss on his neck. In all honesty, I could have fallen asleep against him.

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