Patience is a Cruel Lesson to Learn

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Emiya made his way into the common room, two plates in hand. I gave him a quick smile as he entered, expecting to be greeted with one in return, but all he gave me was a raised eyebrow. "Feet off the table, Cu." He held my plate away from me until I obeyed.

"Tch," my boots slid from the table, and I straightened up my posture. "Feeling a little bossy today?" The delicious food was now in my hands, and it wasn't long after that it was in my mouth.

"No, just sometimes I need enough sense for the both of us." I grunted a short laugh as a response, not wanting to speak with all the food in my mouth, for Emiya's sake.

Swallowing with a loud golp, I set my tongue free. "That's called being bossy."

His eyes narrowed. "Just eat your food." By the look on his face, he regretted the words that only proved my point further.

I smirked, speaking ostentatiously, "Whatever you say, Emiya~"

He rolled his eyes, a hint of pink in his cheeks as well, muttering something before he dug into his own food. Enjoying the simple, yet cute sight of Emiya eating, I decided it was time we got to work.

"Cathbad," Emiya's eyes flickered up from his plate as I spoke. "We can find him not too far from here. Three days' journey, if I had to take a guess."

"And you sure he can help me?"

I shrugged. "Well he's the best that comes to mind, around these parts anyways. Though there is... nevermind, forget about her." He raised a playful eyebrow. "Cathbad, we're going to Cathbad." I reassured for him, brushing away my thoughts of Morrígan. Thankfully, Emiya didn't push it.

After we ate, preparations were made to leave; Liath was all packed. I frowned at the discolored burn mark along his front thigh. Thanks to high quality care, and my runes, it'd healed good, but still that mark would never leave. I stroked his side apologetically, feeling somewhat guilty for the incident with the chimera. Liath nayed softly, trotting forward, as eager as ever. It was his way of saying don't worry about it. A small smile lit up on my lips at the horse's good spirit. We met Emiya in front of the inn, him giving the horse the same worried look I had a moment before.

"Sure he'll be alright going into this journey, Cu?" Emiya said, brushing a hand over the horse's neck. Liath nayed defiantly.

"Yes, I'm sure. Besides, I don't think he'd give us a choice whether he's ready or not."

Emiya smiled thoughtfully at the horse, making the corners of my own mouth pull up even more.

"Well then, shall we be off?" My arm slid casually around Emiya's waist. That smile transformed into a smirk, aimed at me, and shooting down my heart.

"Of course," he gave me a small kiss, which I leaned into, then pulled away, our noses still touching. "After you, my dear." Rubbing my nose lightly, I heaved myself up on the horse, giving Emiya a hand afterwards. Legs against mine, chest pressed to my back, arms curled snuggly around me, Emiya seemed to settle comfortably into me. It was an encouraging thought to think Emiya would be in this position for almost three days straight. A very pleasant thought indeed. I rolled my shoulders just to feel that movement against him, and grinned.

Riding through the day was peaceful, and all together quite unremarkable. Honestly, it was a bit boring without any sense of danger. Though I couldn't really complain with Emiya's company; he had the ability to keep me entertained in even the dullest of situations.

With the golden light, searing my tired eyes, I slid off Liath ready to settle for the night. My arms stretched to the pink sky, popping my stiff back. While I took some time to rejuvenate my muscles, Emiya wasted no time, already gathering wood for a fire. Taking in a deep breath of the brisk evening air, I got to work alongside him. As he made dinner, I watched him prepare; his food was not only delicious, but fast as well. It was odd how satisfying watching his hands was. Pulling my eyes from the trance his movement put on me, I laid out my traveling bed. It was quite small considering both Emiya and I would be occupying it tonight. Then again, the less room the better. Taking a moment, I enjoyed calculating all the possible positions Emiya and I could sleep in to fit on the bed. It was a pleasant job.

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