3. The Makeup Birthday

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Bucky and Steve made their way over to Stella's home the next morning plan in place to create a perfect day for Stella. They both entered the apartment and Mrs. Turner let them in informing them that Stella was still asleep. "Hi Mrs. Turner we both felt bad about not knowing yesterday was Stells birthday and we wanted to make it up to her," Bucky said sheepishly. "I know she's probably still mad at me, but we were really hoping she might want to join us today." Mrs. Turner gave both the boys a smile, her heart happy to see Stella was indeed wrong and these two cared for her far deeper than a small argument could ruin.

"You must be Steve," she said looking at the other boy. "Stella has told me a lot about you, please call me Rose. I think Stella would love to spend the day with you both. Why don't you go wake her."

"Nice to meet you, ma'am," Steve said with a nod both of the boys making their way to the small room Stella resided in. "You ready Buck?" Steve asked his friend Bucky, replying with a nod.

Bucky made his way over to Stella's sleeping form and touched her arm gently shaking her "Stells time to get up Steve and I spent all night planning today and we would hate for you to miss any of our plans." Stella's eyes fluttered open and she gave a small smile to her friends.

"So I guess this means I didn't run you off for good last night?" Stella said, sitting up.

"Afraid you'll have to try harder than that. Stells we're the 'till the end of line kind of friends." the blonde boy replied, "Now get up and get ready we've got a long day planned."

Stella did as she was told as the boys bonded with her mother some. Rose had taken a quick liking to the boys and was even more assured that Stella was in good hands with them. Rose saw exactly why Stella liked them so much; they were a perfect duo in their own right, but Stella definitely completed them. Stella brought her creativity and free spirit to them and they brought their passion and undying loyalty to her. For years to come, no one would mention any of them without mentioning the others. They truly were all meant to find each other and become friends. Stella came out of her room dressed and ready for the day and both the boys said their goodbyes to Rose as they took Stella out on their "Self-proclaimed perfect birthday do-over."

"Okay, so are you going to tell me what you had planned for today or are we going to wander around aimlessly for the rest of the day," Stella asked.

"We are going to Rockaway Beach and it's going to be the best day of your thirteen years," Bucky said matter of factly.

It was indeed the best day Stella had in her thirteen years. They ate hotdogs and Bucky unknowingly spent three of their last dollars trying to win Stella a stuffed bear much to her protest. He of course was successful and the three had to ride back home in the back of a freezer truck not having enough for the train fare. Stella didn't complain they had gone out of their way to make the day as perfect as they possibly could. When they arrived back in their neighborhood they went to Bucky's house, him having promised one more birthday surprise. Stella said hello to his mom and he came back to her with a small box in hand. "I know it's not much and you may already have it, but I- we wanted you to have a gift on your birthday," Bucky said, handing it over. Stella opened the gift, tears coming to her eyes as she saw it was a new book by her favorite author Agatha Christie.

"It's perfect thank you," Stella hugged the book to her chest as if it might disappear right before her eyes "this day has meant so much to me thank you both."

Steve decided to spend the night with Bucky, his mother working overnight, but stayed behind so Bucky could take Stella home, figuring Bucky wanted to spend the walk alone with her. He smiled after his two friends wondering when the clueless pair might figure it out for themselves.

"I really am sorry for yesterday Bucky, you didn't know and I shouldn't have let my temper get the best of me." Stella finally broke the silence as they closed in on the Turner residence.

"It's okay Stella, I understand now that I know. Steve and I lost our fathers too so we get it. Just next time no secrets, okay friends are supposed to be there for the good and bad days ya know." Bucky replied.

Stella nodded feeling braver than normal she pressed a small kiss to Bucky's cheek and gave a rushed thanks before going back into her home to read her new book and think about just how amazing her friends were,

Bucky walked back home with a huge smile to find Steve waiting for him with a knowing grin. "You didn't tell me about the book" he stated simply "you've got it bad."

"I have no clue what you're talking about Steve. I just wanted to make sure our friend had a good day. She deserves it." Bucky retorted.

Steve shook his head and laid down for the night wondering when both of them might admit their feelings but happy to see both of his friends with someone that understood them. He wondered for a small moment when he might get the chance to feel the same but didn't linger on the thought too long before he drifted off to sleep.

AN: Shorter chapter but there will be time-skips coming soon as their story is extremely long and I have it already planned out. Special thanks to my best friend and partner in crime when it comes to all things creative thehiddenromantic Sage for staying up with me all hours of the night to storyboard script and write as well as edit all my ventures. Go check out their page and show them some love. Their teen wolf fanfic is easily one of my favorites and saghey makes my heart happy. You can also find fatal attraction in my reading list.

Written in the Stars: Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now