5. Run Boy Run

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TW: Mentions of attempted SA and violence.

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The boys made their way to the usual meeting spot a bit later than normal, not able to get out of the house due to Bucky's mom pestering them to invite Stella over again soon. Bucky didn't feel right he felt like something was off. Steve and he had been begging Stella for years now to quit walking down the back alleys of Brooklyn, but she never listened. She liked the privacy and the more quiet background of the neighborhood damn the danger it provided. Something caught Steve's attention and he looked around. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Bucky responded trying to tune his ears for anything abnormal but hearing nothing more than their usual city noises.

"Shhh, be quiet I could've sworn I just heard Stella scream," Steve said still frantically looking around as they finally made it to the normal spot no sign of Stella. Bucky's senses shifted into over-drive as anxiety overtook him.

"Where the hell is she, she's always early," Bucky said before a scream set a dread into his chest un-like anything he'd ever felt before.

"James!" the boys heard Stella's plea and Bucky made a mad dash for the alleyway he knew she commonly took. She never called him James, not unless he was in trouble or she was. Steve tore off behind him as well albeit a considerable distance between the two given Steve's considerable lack of athletic ability, or normal lung compacity.  Bucky's heart dropped along with his stomach as he saw Daniel and his group over Stella pulling at her clothes. One gave her a hard kick to the stomach as retribution for her scream for help and she gasped for air tears streaming down her face.

"Daniel!" Bucky growled charging at the boy as Steve managed to catch up. Two of Daniel's friends had the good sense to run off not wanting to face Bucky's anger. Daniel however gave a sickening smile and stayed over Stella his other friend that stayed pinning her arms down. Bucky ripped both boys away from her and Steve rushed to her side holding her close to him as she sobbed and tried her best to cover her exposed self up.

Steve tried his best to console his hysterical friend shielding her eyes from the fight. "Shhh, it's okay Stells we got you now."

Bucky managed to get a few hits on the one who was pinning Stella's arms down. He had been the one to kick her in the stomach, and so Bucky returned the favor before the boy ran off, well hobbled more really. Bucky then turned his full attention and rage to Daniel. He knew he had been pestering Stella, but she always brushed it off saying it was no big deal, that Daniel didn't scare her and she was far from interested in him. Daniel still seemed pleased as ever, pleased that he had hurt Stella, done god knows what before they got there to rescue her.

"What's wrong Barnes," he chided as Bucky pinned him to the wall "Mad I got to have her? Not like you were going to do anything with her. She liked it you know would've kept coming back begging me for more." Bucky's rage took over and he hit Daniel till his knuckles split.

"You son of a bitch you think she liked it? Do you really think a girl screaming, crying, and begging you to stop is her enjoying it? You don't even deserve to look at her! She's everything to me and you hurt her! How dare you!" Bucky screamed punctuating every sentence with yet another punch.

"Bucky! Please you'll kill him. Please just take me home I want to go home." Stella pleaded trying to pull Bucky back.

Bucky spun around and looked at Stella all anger dissolving from him as soon as he saw her bruised tear-streaked face. Steve had one of Stella's hands in his and he grabbed her face lightly trying to assess the damage they had done from her. She looked so broken, his Stella looked so broken. He looked back at the unconscious boy before shrugging his jacket off and wrapping Stella in it.

Written in the Stars: Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now